Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sarah Palin loves her some graphics! Especially graphics that spread lies and attack the President.

5:29 AM By

Sarah Palin loves her some graphics! Especially graphics that spread lies and attack the President.
Courtesy of the Facebook page of Arizona's newest political gadfly:

A friend sent me this graphic today. It says it all. "If there's a government shut down, who will spy on me, waste my money and have contempt for me?"

We could add so much more to this list, friends. For example, if the government shuts down, who will:
*block responsible resource development
*borrow more money from foreign countries to give to foreign countries
*mortgage my kids' future to bail out their friends on Wall Street & finance their big government crony capitalism
*"misplace" IRS receipts and ledgers to the tune of tens of millions
*stockpile ammo at DHS
*commandeer pro athletes to testify in front of Congress while watching bureaucrats plead the Fifth

Please feel free to add to the list with your own comments below. I so appreciate your great comments and "likes" and "shares" on these Facebook posts!

- Sarah Palin

A "friend" sent her this graphic? Does she mean a friend on her payroll who undoubtedly found or created the graphic and then wrote the post for her, which she only found out about after reading her email or logging on to Facebook? Does she mean that "friend?"

And by the way WHAT a disingenuous post!

As US News has pointed out the negative impact of a government shutdown is far more devastating than Palin apparently realizes, or wants to admit.

They include Social Security checks not going out on time.
National parks and museums potentially closing.
Tax refunds could be delayed.
And the pay for U.S. troops would be delayed, while some civilian Defense Department employees would also be furloughed.

None of this may be important to a person living off of SarahPAC donations and dirty Fox News money, but it IS important to millions of Americans, including our soldiers who are in harm's way, and our elderly who are living on a fixed income and really need their Social Security checks to arrive on time.

Finally I would like to point out that Palin's desperation to continue appearing to be popular is truly evident in her plea for more "likes" and "shares" on Facebook.

Of course it should also be pointed out, and I will do so more thoroughly in an upcoming post, that Palin's Facebook followers and Twitter followers are largely phony, as are the number of likes and shares she receives.

It's all mooseshit my friends, one big steaming pile of mooseshit.



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