Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pamela Geller: Obama Dismantled America; Aiding and Abetting Global Jihad

1:48 PM By No comments

Pamela Geller: Obama Dismantled America; Aiding and Abetting Global Jihad
Pamela Geller: Obama Dismantled America; Aiding and Abetting Global Jihad

Pamela Geller knocks it out of the park with her latest piece titled;

Obama Has
Dismantled America
By Pamela Geller
American Thinker

Does the extinguished candle care about the darkness? Ask the huddled masses who are yearning to be free. America was once thought of as a light unto nations. Obama has single-handedly extinguished that light.

I saw it all coming. In my 2010 book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America, I noted that one student who was interviewed after an Obama town hall meeting during his first presidential trip to Europe in 2009 said happily: "He sounds just like a European." That is, not like an American president who loves his country. And he doesn't: asked during that visit to Europe about American exceptionalism, Obama answered: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."

In other words, he didn't believe in American exceptionalism at all. In a seminal moment for modern historians and active political observers like myself, a snapshot came across the newswires in May 2008, showing candidate Obama crossing an airplane tarmac, mid-gait, and holding Fareed Zakaria's American epitaph, The Post-American World. In the photo, Obama is holding his place in the book with his finger, as if he didn't dare put it down and wanted to dive back into it as soon as he could.

The vicious Zakaria describes his book this way: "This is not a book about the decline of America, but rather about the rise of everyone else." In it, he details the era he hopes we are entering now -- a world in which the United States would "no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures." He asserts that the "rise of the rest" is the "great story of our time, and one that will reshape the world. The tallest buildings, biggest dams, largest-selling movies, and most advanced cell phones are all being built outside the United States. This economic growth is producing political confidence, national pride, and potentially international problems."

Obama seems bound and determined to drive America over a cliff and make Zakaria's vision of the future a self-fulfilling prophecy. Obama went to work from his first day in office to make Zakaria's wishful thinking about America's decline a reality. As the most powerful man in the world, he would level the playing field, even if it meant cutting America off at the knees. Good and evil would be made equivalent, with evil sanctioned by the world's only remaining superpower. He turned against our allies (particularly Israel) and showed them that America could not be relied on. He taxed us into poverty and stirred up racial strife to make us all less safe. He has enabled Russia to re-emerge as a world power, and the Islamic jihadists are bolder than ever.

Obama vowed to make America just another nation -- unexceptional -- and he has. It's not that other nations have risen. They haven't. It's that Obama has dismantled American hegemony and diminished our standing in the world. [...] Continued @ American Thinker.

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Warning: Obama's Links To Al-Qaeda And The Kenyan Mall Massacre Revealed

1:47 PM By No comments

Warning: Obama's Links To Al-Qaeda And The Kenyan Mall Massacre Revealed
Warning: Obama's Links To Al-Qaeda And The Kenyan Mall Massacre Revealed

Dr. Jerome Corsi reveals Obama's links to Al-Qaeda and the Kenyan Mall Massacre.

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Obama Failed E-Verify Update: Employees With Same SSN Problem As Obama Fired

1:46 PM By No comments

Obama Failed E-Verify Update: Employees With Same SSN Problem As Obama Fired

September 24, 2013 | Obama E-Verify Update
By Linda Jordan

I just came across this case concerning E-Verify and No-Match letters.

Around 2004 Shaw’s Supermarkets received a No-Match letter from the Social Security Administration and E-Verify identifying 32 employees whose names and Social Security Numbers did not match SSA records.

The employees were given 9 months to go to their employer or to the SSA to correct the information if they felt it was erroneous. None of them did and so they were fired.

The Union objected. An Arbitrator was called in. In UFCW, Local 91 v. Shaw’s Supermarkets, Inc., Case No. 1130 82 05 the Arbitrator agreed with Shaw’s and concluded that the employees’ failure to comply with Shaw’s repeated requests to resolve the “no-match” justified Shaw’s decision to discipline the employees.

Two years ago I notified Barack Obama on September 24, 2011 that, as one of his employers, I had received a “no-match” letter after running his name, birth date, SSN and claimed citizenship status through E-Verify. The SSN he was using did not match up with SSA records. It had also been flagged with a Special Indicator Code for fraud. He was directed to confirm or correct his name, SSN, birth date and citizenship status.

Obama has never responded and has not corrected the record. Who is the Arbitrator for a case like this and can we fire Obama?

Linda Jordan

- More details, click here. -


Live Stream: Nailed To The Floor: Cruz vs Durbin Senate Floor Via Drudge Report

1:44 PM By No comments

Live Stream: Nailed To The Floor: Cruz vs Durbin Senate Floor Via Drudge Report
Live Stream: Nailed To The Floor: Cruz vs Durbin Senate Floor Via Drudge Report

Senator Ted Cruz nails Senator Dick Durbin to the Senate Floor: Short video clip recorded live via Drudge Report. Sen. Cruz says he will talk until he can't stand any longer. Earlier during his Obamacare filibuster Sen. Cruz was reading bedtime stories. The live stream embedded below the short clip with Durbin and Cruz.

( Video captured via Drudge Report )

( Video via Freedom Works. )


Drudge: SHOCK: Obama has 19.5 MILLION fake TWITTER followers?

1:43 PM By No comments

Drudge: SHOCK: Obama has 19.5 MILLION fake TWITTER followers?
Drudge: SHOCK: Obama has 19.5 MILLION fake TWITTER followers?

As reported back in 2012 millions of Obama's Twitter followers are fake. Now the UK's Daily Mail has crowned Obama the King of Fake Twitter Followers with a whopping 19.5 million fake followers. Joe Biden came in second place followed by the White House, Michelle Obama, John Boehner and Marco Rubio. Full list below.

Excerpt via Daily Mail:

Among influential U.S. political tweeters, President Barack Obama is the undisputed king of the fake followers. A MailOnline analysis ranks his sizable Twitter following as the most deceptive total among the 21 most influential accounts run by American politicians: More than 19.5 million of his 36.9 million Twitter followers are accounts that don't correspond to real people.

The four phoniest accounts in the sample, which included Democratic and Republican Party leaders in Washington, D.C., were those belonging to President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, first lady Michelle Obama and the White House communications shop.

Of the president's 36.9 million Twitter followers, an astonishing 53 per cent – or 19.5 million – are fake accounts, according to a search engine at the Internet research vendor Just 20 per cent of Obama's Twitter buddies are real people who are active users.

Overall, the five most influential accounts linked to the Obama administration – the first lady has two – account for 23.4 million fake followers.

Biden's nonexistent fans make up 46 per cent of his Twitter total, with 20 per cent being 'real' followers. The White House's followers are 37 per cent fake and 25 per cent active; the first lady's primary account is 36 per cent fake and 29 per cent active.

The Daily Caller reported on Tuesday that Michelle Obama's Twitter followers included nearly 2 million nonexistent people, a number that lines up with MailOnline's findings. [...] Continued @ Daily Mail. Hat tip GUL.

SHOCK:Obama has 19.5 MILLION fake TWITTER followers?

FLASHBACK: Rep. Demands White House Records After Fake Gun Control Tweets - DETAILS HERE.

FLASHBACK: New York Times: 70% Of Obama's Twitter Followers Are Fake - DETAILS HERE.


Video: Fox News Panel Goes Birther On...

1:41 PM By No comments

Video: Fox News Panel Goes Birther On...
Video: Fox News Panel Goes Birther On...

Last night on Bret Bair's Fox News show two members of the panel went Birther on Senator Ted Cruz. Fox News' Weekend Morning Show co-host Tucker Carlson said there are questions about Sen. Cruz's eligibility to run for president. Charles Krauthammer later chimed in that if Sen. Cruz didn't win the presidency he could be prime minister of Canada. Former CNN reporter John Roberts was sitting in for Bret Bair.

( Audio via Fox News. )

SUPPORT: Contact Representatives; Encourage Them To Take On The Scandal Of All Scandals Now - DETAILS HERE.

WATCH: Full HD Video: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Presentation Broadcast From Missouri - VIDEO HERE.

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2006: Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home - VIDEO HERE.

2007: Michelle Obama Declares Obama Is Kenyan And America Is Mean - VIDEO HERE.

2008: Michelle Obama Declares Barack Obama's Home Country Is Kenya - VIDEO HERE.

FLASHBACK: Obama Is The Original Birther! Obama In 1991 Stated In His Own Bio He Was Born In Kenya. DETAILS HERE.




Attorney: Obama Has No Legitimacy; Has Been Convicted Of Election Fraud; Seeks Removal

1:40 PM By No comments

Attorney: Obama Has No Legitimacy; Has Been Convicted Of Election Fraud; Seeks Removal

Occupy Washington on November
19 and demand that Obama resign
Attorney Larry Klayman | Freedom Watch Email

President Has No Legitimacy and Has Been Convicted of Election Fraud

(Washington, D.C., September 21, 2013). On September 18, 2013, President Barack Hussein Obama was convicted of defrauding the American people with regard to his eligibility to be president by his having submitted a forged birth certificate to state and federal officials. This resulted in his being elected to the Office of the Presidency in 2008 and 2012. Simply put, Obama is not a natural born citizen born in the United States to two American parents and therefore he is ineligible to be president under the U.S. Constitution. He lied about his birth certificate and was sentenced by a citizens' court to ten years in prison for his false statements.

In light of this conviction, and the many atrocities Obama has committed against the United States of America, as evidenced by what he terms as "phony scandals" ranging from Benghazi-gate, to NSA-gate, to IRS-gate, to Fast and Furious-gate, to Obamacare-gate, to Navy Seal-gate, and his allegiance to radical Islam over American interests, he must now be forced to leave office so that freedom can be restored to the nation.

As a result, we are calling upon all patriots to Occupy Washington on November 19th and to peacefully shut the city down until Obama agrees to leave office. Construction workers, bikers, truckers, doctors, lawyers, students, clergy, and all persons who see our nation slipping away from us under this president are summoned to appear and give testimony to their grievances.

Larry Klayman, the founder of Freedom Watch, a former prosecutor for the Justice Department, and the organizer of this event, had this to say:

"Under Obama, the nation has been raped by a president who is not only a Muslim at heart and who favors Islam over our Judeo-Christian heritage (illustrated by his cancellation of national prayer day in the White House, his encouragement for the construction of a mosque at Ground Zero, the ring on his finger that reads in Arabic 'There is no god but Allah,' and his conspicuous mission to win the hearts and minds of the enemy our brave soldiers are fighting against), but is also a racist, socialist, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian, and who has trashed our national prestige to the point that communist Russia is now the leading world power. It is time that We the People borrow a page from such historic figures as Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela and use protest and civil disobedience to rid ourselves of the poison that occupies the White House. The court system no longer works and is polluted by individuals who favor political correctness over justice, and our Congress is run by impotent 'yes men' of both political parties who put their own interests ahead of the people's. It is thus time for all of us to rise up and reclaim the republic before all is lost. It is not optional that you come to Washington, D.C., on November 19. It is your duty if you believe in the vision of our Founding Fathers, who pledged their fortunes, sacred honor, and risked their lives to form the greatest nation the world has ever known."

I look forward to seeing you on November 19 in our nation's capital. It's time to finally do what must be done to save the United States of America!"

For more information contact Freedom Watch at (424) 274-2579. - Website:

RELATED: Attorney Klayman: Citizens’ Grand Jury Convicts Obama For Defrauding America With Bogus BC - DETAILS HERE.

SUPPORT: Contact Representatives; Encourage Them To Take On The Scandal Of All Scandals Now - DETAILS HERE.

WATCH: Full HD Video: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Presentation Broadcast From Missouri - VIDEO HERE.

((( This High Definition video was produced in 720P HD – Select the HD quality setting for optimal viewing experience )))

2006: Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home - VIDEO HERE.

2007: Michelle Obama Declares Obama Is Kenyan And America Is Mean - VIDEO HERE.

2008: Michelle Obama Declares Barack Obama's Home Country Is Kenya - VIDEO HERE.

FLASHBACK: Obama Is The Original Birther! Obama In 1991 Stated In His Own Bio He Was Born In Kenya. DETAILS HERE.




Eyewitness Report: For Those Who Don't Believe In Election Fraud; Clear Election Fraud

1:39 PM By No comments

Eyewitness Report: For Those Who Don't Believe In Election Fraud; Clear Election Fraud

For Those Who Don't
Believe in Election Fraud
By Jack Cashill @ American Thinker

"Yes, the Rizzo-Royster race turned on vote fraud," admitted the Kansas City Star's Barbara Shelly in a crow-eating column nearly three years after it would do any good. For years the Star has routinely mocked anyone who dared suggest vote fraud was a problem.

Among those mocked was Will Royster, a retired Navy fighter pilot who seemingly lost in a northeast Kansas City Democratic primary for state representative in 2010 by the final count of one single vote. The seeming victor, endorsed by the Star, was neophyte J.J. Rizzo, the son of Democratic machine honcho, Henry Rizzo.

What follows is a letter from a young Democrat Nick Moreno who observed the process up close named. The letter details the various tools Democrats use to steal elections and kill would-be Democratic reformers in the womb. It is edited only for length and clarity. [...] Continued @ American Thinker.

SUPPORT: Contact Representatives; Encourage Them To Take On The Scandal Of All Scandals Now - DETAILS HERE.

WATCH: Full HD Video: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Presentation Broadcast From Missouri - VIDEO HERE.

((( This High Definition video was produced in 720P HD – Select the HD quality setting for optimal viewing experience )))

2006: Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home - VIDEO HERE.

2007: Michelle Obama Declares Obama Is Kenyan And America Is Mean - VIDEO HERE.

2008: Michelle Obama Declares Barack Obama's Home Country Is Kenya - VIDEO HERE.

FLASHBACK: Obama Is The Original Birther! Obama In 1991 Stated In His Own Bio He Was Born In Kenya. DETAILS HERE.




Update: Obama Dismisses Indictment; Motion Now Docketed At Supreme Court

1:37 PM By No comments

Update: Obama Dismisses Indictment; Motion Now Docketed At Supreme Court

Obama Dismisses Indictment Against
Fugitive Bombing Terrorist – Part IV
By Montgomery Blair Sibley | The Post & Email
©2013, blogging at Amo Probos

(Sep. 22, 2013) — In my last Blog Post, I related how, on August 10th, I filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court my Petition for Certiorari and Motion to Expedite consideration of the Supreme Court’s review of the curious circumstances surrounding the dismissal of the indictment of the fugitive, domestic terrorist, United-States-Capitol-bombing Defendant, Elizabeth Duke.

Since then, the Clerk has twice refused to file my pleadings, instead returning them to me. I have, twice, refused to accept the Clerk’s refusals and now have gone over the Clerk’s head directly to the Nine Justices seeking an order from them Directing the Clerk to file my Petition and Motion to Expedite. This extraordinary effort on my part has now been docketed by the Clerk as Supreme Court Case No.: 13M38. Strangely, the Clerk has renamed the case Sibley vs. United States and failed to include the Motion to Expedite in the docket entry.

I believe the obfuscation of the Clerk in repeatedly refusing to file my Petition and Motion to Expedite was directed by the Court so they could avoid addressing the merits of those pleadings. Now, the Court cannot avoid any longer but instead is faced with a Hobson’s Choice: Either: (i) direct the Clerk to file my pleadings thus triggering a merits review of the felonious behavior of Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson as described in my prior Blog Post on this matter or (ii) confirm that they are accessories-after-the-fact to the felonious behavior of Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson.

Indeed, there is more. For in my Motion to Expedite I request permission to file under seal information which I possess which details the improper motive for Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson and the Obama administration to engage in this peculiar act of dismissing an Indictment against a fugitive.

So you see, the above image I have chosen for this Blog Post is most apt. More to follow . . .

Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.

RELATED: Team Obama Illegally Quashes Indictment Against Commie ID Thief & Wanted Terrorist - DETAILS HERE.

SUPPORT: Contact Representatives; Encourage Them To Take On The Scandal Of All Scandals Now - DETAILS HERE.

WATCH: Full HD Video: Sheriff Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Presentation Broadcast From Missouri - VIDEO HERE.

((( This High Definition video was produced in 720P HD – Select the HD quality setting for optimal viewing experience )))

2006: Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home - VIDEO HERE.

2007: Michelle Obama Declares Obama Is Kenyan And America Is Mean - VIDEO HERE.

2008: Michelle Obama Declares Barack Obama's Home Country Is Kenya - VIDEO HERE.

FLASHBACK: Obama Is The Original Birther! Obama In 1991 Stated In His Own Bio He Was Born In Kenya. DETAILS HERE.




Valve To Launch A Prototype Steam Box And Multiple Steam Machines In 2014

1:36 PM By

Valve To Launch A Prototype Steam Box And Multiple Steam Machines In 2014

Following the announcement of SteamOS, Valve just unveiled the long-anticipated Steam Box — sort of. Instead of releasing a Valve-branded Steam Box, the company will actually work with multiple manufacturers to release a series of Steam machines for your living room.
Yet, Valve also presented a specific prototype, a Steam machine designed by Valve. This particular machine is closer to what everyone expected. For now, only 300 copies will be produced and sent to lucky beta testers. The company doesn’t say whether those prototypes will eventually become the Steam Box, but it wouldn’t surprise anyone.
As for the Steam machines, Valve promises “an array of specifications, price, and performance.” It could be pretty similar to the Chromebook lineup. Customers will be presented with multiple performance tiers — it should make it easier to buy a traditional gaming computer. Hardware will be hackable and you will be able to install another operating system for example.
As a reminder, SteamOS is a Linux-based operating system for your living room. It is optimized for gaming, movies and music. While many games are not available on Linux, SteamOS allows you to stream your games from your Windows or Mac machines using your local network
Today’s announcement is very short and doesn’t say which OEM will actually build Steam machines. All we know is that they will ship in 2014. The Valve-branded prototype could come to beta testers earlier as the company will select beta testers on October 25th.
On Steam’s website, users can find a teaser page with three icons that represent three different announcements for the living room — SteamOS and the Steam machines were only the first two announcements. Valve hints at a new input method for the third one. On Friday, Valve should answer the last standing question — which game controller will ship with the Steam machines?

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'Pink Star' diamond could fetch record $60 million

1:24 PM By

'Pink Star' diamond could fetch record $60 million

A huge and rare pink diamond could fetch more than $60 million at auction in November as collectors chase exceptional pieces in a strong international jewelry market.
GENEVA — The "Pink Star" diamond, which weighs 59.6 carats, is the most valuable diamond offered at auction, Sotheby's said Wednesday, showing the oval stone with the top grading of vivid pink amid tight security at a luxury hotel.
"It is full of fire and light. If it sells it will be a record price for any gemstone so far at auction," David Bennett, chairman of Sotheby's jewelry division in Europe and the Middle East, told Reuters in Geneva, where it will be the star lot of the Nov. 13 sale.
"The top end in all categories in auction prices are very, very strong. People are seeking the very rare, the exceptional, the outstanding. This stone is," he said.
The current record is held by the "Graff Pink", a 24.78 carat fancy intense pink diamond bought by Laurence Graff, the London-based jeweler known as "The King of Diamonds", at a 2010 auction for 45.44 million Swiss francs ($45.75 million then).
The "Pink Star" was cut and polished from a 132.5 carat rough diamond mined by De Beers somewhere in Africa in 1999, according to Sotheby's, which said it had no information on the exact geographic origin.
The stone, mounted on a ring, was first sold in 2007 and the current owner remains anonymous, a Sotheby's spokeswoman said.
Eric Valdieu, a former Christie's jewel expert now of Valdieu Fine Arts, recalls seeing the "Pink Star" displayed at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington in 2003.
"The buyers of a stone like this are very few, international fortunes in Latin America, Asia or the Middle East," he said.
Rival Christie's is offering three jewels from the collection of Bolivian tycoon Simon Itturi Patino among the pieces going under the hammer at its Geneva sale on Nov. 12.
The pieces, including a 1930s emerald and diamond necklace by French jeweler Cartier estimated at $7-10 million, feature rare gems and embody the taste of "The King of Tin" who founded the family dynasty, the private auction house owned by French billionaire Francois Pinault said in a statement on Tuesday.
"The Patino family had extraordinary things, objects which dealers and private collectors will go after with gusto," Valdieu said.

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By Stephanie Nebehay of Reuters
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California prison escapee recaptured after 36 years

1:13 PM By

California prison escapee recaptured after 36 years

Michael Morrow, 70, who escaped from a California prison 36 years ago after being convicted for armed robbery, was recaptured in Arkansas.
LOS ANGELES — A California prison inmate who escaped 36 years ago while serving time for armed robbery has been recaptured in Arkansas, becoming California's longest-sought fugitive inmate to be caught, a prison spokeswoman said Wednesday.
Michael Morrow, 70, was taken into custody without incident Monday by FBI agents and deputy sheriffs at his residence in Jessieville, Ark., where he had been living under an assumed name, Terry Thornton, of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, said.
Tracked down using new leads developed by the agency's special service and criminal analysis units, he initially tried to deny his true identity when confronted. But "since the arrest, he has been cooperating with law-enforcement authorities," Thornton said.
He was booked under a fugitive arrest warrant into the Garland County, Ark., Jail, and California corrections officials have begun the process of extraditing him back to the West Coast to finish serving his sentence.
Morrow escaped from the California Institution for Men in Chino, east of Los Angeles, on Aug. 27, 1977 — the same summer the original "Star Wars" movie opened — after serving four years of a five-years-to-life sentence on two counts of first-degree robbery with the use of a firearm.
Thornton said there was little information about the circumstances of his getaway, but she said Morrow, then aged 34, turned up missing after apparently having scaled the fence of the prison yard.
He had remained at large ever since, although he was arrested in 1984 by authorities in a central Arkansas community southeast of Little Rock on suspicion of murder and later released with no charges filed in that case, Thornton said.
At that time, he was going by the name of Carl Frank Wilson, the same alias he was living under when arrested this week, and California authorities were unaware then that he had been taken into custody elsewhere, she said.
"Databases weren't as automated in 1984 as they are today," she said.
Morrow was one of more than 19,300 California prison inmates to have escaped or walked away from their facilities since 1977, when the corrections department began compiling such records, but 98.5 percent of those inmates have been recaptured.
He became the longest-escaped state inmate to have been apprehended, Thornton said.
About 200 other escaped California prisoners remain on the lam.

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By Steve Gorman of Reuters
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Power Failure Disrupts Metro North’s New Haven Line; May Last Days

1:02 PM By

Power Failure Disrupts Metro North’s New Haven Line; May Last Days

Hours after a predawn power loss shut down much of Metro-North Railroad’s New Haven Line early on Wednesday, officials warned that service could be imperiled for several days, and possibly longer, upending commutes for tens of thousands of travelers.

The disruption began after a Consolidated Edison feeder cable in Mount Vernon, N.Y., failed around 5:20 a.m., snarling service between Stamford, Conn., and Grand Central Terminal.
The utility said the type of repairs needed “typically take two to three weeks.” Officials hoped to line up alternative power sources that could hasten a return to normal service, but state and transit officials conveyed little optimism that the fixes would come quickly.
“People need to now assume this is a long-term problem,” Gov. Dannel P. Malloy of Connecticut said in a news conference.
After speaking with officials at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the governor said, “It was clear that they don’t have an immediate solution to this problem.”
The authority said commuters who use the New Haven line would encounter a patchwork of trains and buses on Thursday morning, a setup that would continue “until further notice.” The agency said the plan could accommodate about a third of the regular ridership.
Con Edison said it was unsure why its 138,000-volt feeder cable, which supplies electricity to the railroad’s overhead power lines, had failed. Another cable that typically provides power to the New Haven line was out of service for scheduled repairs as part of equipment upgrades, the utility added. That feeder was not expected to be functional until mid-October.
The transportation authority said it was assessing the possibility of finishing the upgrades ahead of schedule.
Mr. Malloy suggested that, in the interim, riders turn to the railroad’s Harlem line, or car-pool. He noted that the episode bore little resemblance to a Metro-North service disruption in May, when a collision injured scores of passengers. In that case, full service returned in less than a week.
But after that episode, officials were initially more hopeful about restoring service quickly, Mr. Malloy said. In this case, he said, “that confidence does not exist.”
Around 9 a.m. on Wednesday, the authority began an “extremely limited” hourly diesel service out of both Grand Central Terminal and Stamford.
Stations were stuffed with passengers, some already hours late to work. Once they boarded, there was often crowding in even tighter quarters.
Service on Amtrak, which shares the tracks with Metro-North, was also affected, with delays throughout the Northeast and a suspension of Acela Express trains between New York City and Boston.
More than 40,000 commuters take the New Haven line during a typical morning rush.
For regular riders, the morning’s commute turned suddenly ominous.
Michael Alpert, 45, from Westport, Conn., was greeted by an exodus of cars when he arrived at Green’s Farms station around 6:35 a.m. A fellow rider informed him of the power issues. “He offered me a ride into the city,” Mr. Alpert recalled, but “said I was on my own getting home.”
Mr. Alpert decided to work from home.
Chris Halloran, 25, who commutes from the Upper East Side to Stamford, opted to rent a car.
“The only car they had left was the Mustang convertible,” he said, “which was fun to drive on a beautiful day, but it was $125, plus gas.”
Others suggested that the service disruption represented a tipping point.
“This is making me think long and hard about the need for a monthly Metro-North ticket,” said Melissa Haber, 39, of New Rochelle, N.Y. “The service has been lousy for months.”

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Richard Gere, Carey Lowell split after 11 years of marriage: report

12:50 PM By

Richard Gere, Carey Lowell split after 11 years of marriage: report

Carey Lowell and Richard Gere arrive at the 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards in January.
Richard Gere, Carey Lowell split after 11 years of marriage: report
This pretty woman won't be his Bond girl anymore.
Richard Gere and Carey Lowell are separating after 11 years of marriage, People magazine reports.
A friend of the famous couple confirmed the split to the magazine, adding, "They'll do everything possible to keep things amicable and put their child first."
Richard Gere, Carey Lowell split after 11 years of marriage: report
Their son, Homer James Jigme Gere, was born in February 2000 and they wed two years later, according to the Biography Channel website.
The couple was last spotted together last June at a fund-raiser at Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan, People said.
Gere, 64, and Lowell, 52, were only 12 years apart in age. Gere was previously married to supermodel Cindy Crawford, who blamed their divorce to their 17-year age difference on "Oprah's Master Class." Crawford was 25 and Gere was 42 when they wed.
Gere has appeared in several hit films, including "An Officer and a Gentleman," "Primal Fear" and "Chicago." Lowell is best known for her roles in the James Bond film "License to Kill" and the TV drama "Law & Order."

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