Thursday, September 26, 2013

Okay exactly WHO pulled Sarah Palin's string?

8:50 AM By

Okay exactly WHO pulled Sarah Palin's string?
"Oops back in the spotlight. Need to show off my assets."
Here is yet ANOTHER ghostwritten post from her Facebook page:

The U.S. Senate has some arcane procedural rules, and as ordinary Americans our eyes glaze over trying to decipher them. But it’s important for us to understand that Sen. Ted Cruz’s efforts to defund Obamacare are worthwhile and doable. (Actually it is neither of those things, but please proceed Skeletor.)

We shouldn’t preemptively surrender the fight to those who rammed through this outrageously burdensome and unaffordable ploy for government control of health care even though some are trying to convince us that the fight is futile. (Because it is.) Just because a fight isn’t easy, doesn’t mean it’s not worth fighting. (Didn't you quit halfway through your first term as Governor?)

This defund movement boils down to a very simple request. As Andrew McCarthy recently pointed out: “Obama himself has already unilaterally and unconstitutionally defunded aspects of Obamacare, including repugnant accommodations for big corporations, Obama insiders, and members of Congress.” All we’re asking is that the rest of America “get the same relief from this awful law that Obama cronies, the ruling class, and the politically-connected get.” (In other words put if off until after the 2014 election so that the voters will not have a chance to see how well it works before heading to the polls.)

Please call your senators and politely ask them to stand with Senator Cruz. This is especially important if your senator is a Democrat up for re-election in a red state in 2014. That would be Senators Mark Begich (D-AK), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), and Kay Hagan (D-NC). Remind them politely that we are watching their votes very carefully and even a procedural vote that shuts down this debate will be regarded as a vote for Obamacare, and there will be consequences for them at the ballot box next year. The same goes for Republicans up for re-election. We definitely expect them to stand shoulder to shoulder with Senator Cruz through thick and thin. (Yeah I don't think there are very many Republicans who want to be seen with Rafael Ted Cruz right now. OR be endorsed by Sarah Palin for that matter.)

The number for the Capitol Hill Switchboard is 202-224-3121. Ask for your senator’s office. You can also find their contact information and contact them online at (How nice of Palin's ghostwriter to identify the Senators we need to talk to and provide their contact information. I am sure all of us will take full advantage of it.)

Remember, we elected these senators precisely for moments like this. If they can’t do anything with the power we’ve given them through their elected office, then perhaps it’s time for them to retire and let someone else have a go. (Yes keep replacing experienced politicians with wet behind the ears ideologically driven morns. That has worked SO well for you all in the past.)

Opposition to Obamacare carried us to victory in 2010. And 2014 is just around the corner. (Oh, I think 2014 is going to look a LOT different than 2010. Trust me.)

- Sarah Palin

Okay that post sounded, dare I say it, sane and almost reasonable. In other words it does not sound like EITHER Palin or RAM wrote it.

So clearly somebody has decided that Palin is the appropriate spokesperson to defend Ted Cruz and attack Obamacare, and has provided her with ghostwriting help.

They must also be offering her something in order to use her brand because you KNOW she is not having all of these knocked out, and making back to back television appearance (She will be on with Neil Cavuto tomorrow) for her health.

Remember the Palin mantra, "What's in if for us?"

So clearly something is in it for her. And after those dismal numbers from her last SarahPAC financial disclosures I'm guessing money.

But whose money?

The Koch brothers?

Tea Party groups?

Democrat donors because they realize that having her endorse something is the kiss of death?

Who knows?

But what seems increasingly clear is that Palin's days of stumbling around in auto shows and disappearing for month long stretches at a time are probably behind her for the foreseeable future.

Anybody want to pass the popcorn?



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