Thursday, September 26, 2013

MSNBC's Krystal Ball calls out the "conservatives of conscience" for not standing up to those in their party who are lying about Obamacare.

11:18 AM By

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A partial transcript:

"The GOP is saying to young people we would like to have the government stick an unnecessary trans-vaginal probe if you want an abortion but when it comes to health insurance don’t take any government help. Don’t go to the state or federal government operated insurance exchanges to buy private insurance. Stay away. Stay uninsured. Skip that pap smear. Skip that tetanus shot. Skip that prenatal care. Skip that cholesterol test. And if you die an agonizing death and unnecessary death; one that could have been prevented by the health insurance reform that bears the President’s name, at least you know your death would have not been in vain. You would have died to serve the noble and patriotic cause, not of conservatism but of hurting this President and denying him a victory. In the words of the Wall Street Journal, 'The GOP is flying a Kamikaze mission against this President and Obamacare. They are willing to destroy themselves, their political future. That they would also encourage young people to go uninsured and risk financial catastrophe and death from preventable disease means that they aren’t just willing to sacrifice their own careers to hurt this President. They would sacrifice the lives of young people if it helped them score political points. That is not Conservative, it is a national disgrace. Republicans, Conservatives of conscience, if there was ever a time to take back your party from the forces of anarchy, chaos and insanity, and self-destruction, now is that time."

Very well said.

H/T to Addicting Info



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