Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sarah Palin upset that President Obama is tired of protecting Israel while they resist working on a peace deal with Palestine.

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Sarah Palin upset that President Obama is tired of protecting Israel while they resist working on a peace deal with Palestine.
Courtesy of Queen Fester's Facebook page:

I find this stunning – scary, sad, and stunning. On the eve of Netanyahu's visit, President Obama announces to the world that he shall tell Israel's prime minister what to do; he'll lay blame for regional unrest on Israel and command they adopt an Obama-sanctioned "peace plan" that requires Israel to concede even more land and authority. Truly stunning.

Well of course she finds it stunning, scary, and sad. After all if Obama stops allowing Israel to continue yanking America's chain, and forces it to make real peace with the Palestinians, she might not get that important war that was predicted in the Book of Revelations and she won't get to meet Jesus.

After all Palin would not piss on Israel if it was on fire, if she did not believe that it was instrumental in ushering in the Second Coming of Christ.

For those who may not know what has Palin's crusty panties all in a bunch, this is what has been reported about Obama's plans:

President Obama plans to urge Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to support the U.S. framework for peace with the Palestinians when the two men meet in the Oval Office on Monday, according to aides familiar with the agenda.

But Obama may also offer tougher talk than ever before on the importance of reaching a peace agreement and ending Israeli settlement construction in the occupied territories.

In an interview published by Bloomberg News on Sunday, Obama told journalist Jeffrey Goldberg that the U.S. is still willing to defend Israel before the international community but that his ability to do that effectively may wane without a peace deal.

“If you see no peace deal and continued aggressive settlement construction -- and we have seen more aggressive settlement construction over the last couple years than we’ve seen in a very long time,” Obama said. “If Palestinians come to believe that the possibility of a contiguous sovereign Palestinian state is no longer within reach, then our ability to manage the international fallout is going to be limited.”

If Netanyahu doesn’t believe that a peace deal is the right thing to do for Israel, Obama told Goldberg, “then he needs to articulate an alternative approach.”

“It’s hard to come up with one that’s plausible,” he added.

In other words after decades of US Presidents spending tons of time, money, and wasted political capital trying to broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestine, Obama is upping the stakes by suggesting that if Netanyahu is not serious about working towards peace in the Middle East, then he should have the guts to admit it.

And that once he does, America might not be able, or perhaps even willing, to protect them from the aggression that is surely going to come their way.

To my way of thinking this kind of tough talk is EXACTLY what Netanyahu needs to hear.

Perhaps once he realizes that THIS President is unwilling to continue being jerked around, he will put a stop to the aggressive settlement construction and start negotiating in good faith.

After all wasn't it the conservatives and Fox News who said that President Obama needed to start talking tougher and backing it up with action?



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