Thursday, June 26, 2014

Here is the best gun safety ad you will see all day. I promise.

11:21 PM By No comments

Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:

If this hilarious gun safety ad doesn’t shame half of America’s parents into locking up their weapons, we don’t know what will. So, now, how do we get through to the other half? (Got ideas? Please leave your ideas in the comments below.)

Evolve, the group behind the ad, proclaims themselves as “a third voice” in the gun control debate. They aim to steer clear of divisive gun politics and take a new approach towards preventing the next tragedy: Good marketing. And why not? Waiting for our GOP-led Congress to pass legislation is like waiting for Hell to freeze over (an actual possibility, thanks to the GOP’s lack of action on climate change).

Somehow I am a little late learning about this group Evolve, but damn do I like their style.

As a matter of fact this is not their first ad, and the one that preceded it is equally entertaining. Personally I think taking out the "dumbasses" part was a bad idea. We could REALLY use that part right about now.


Remember today is the day of America's Last Stand. (Well the ignorant, paint chip eating part of America anyhow.) Update!

10:38 PM By No comments

Remember today is the day of America's Last Stand. (Well the ignorant, paint chip eating part of America anyhow.) Update!
So today's the day that Sarah Palin, Judge Jeannine Pirro, Rick Santorum, and Allen West, attempt to rally the over fed undereducated folks that make up the Tea Party base.

There will be plenty of raw meat thrown out into the toothless crowd, piles of word salad, and of course deep fat fried bullshit.

According to their Facebook page the venue is set up and awaiting their D-list guests.

America's Last Stand Final set up for tonight's show is almost complete, Sarah Palin has arrived in Knoxville as have the rest of our Very special guests! John Michael Montgomery's bus is about 30 minutes out, and everything is being put in place. If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, come out and get them as soon as possible as we have a limited number still available, you don't want to miss this FANTASTIC show, heck even CNN is here, along with FOX News, all of the local television stations, as well as the folks from, Radio 94.3, and Q100! Doors open for the show at 4:30, but if you still haven't gotten your tickets be sure to get here early!

Let's see, star spangled stage all set up? Check!

A rather pathetic number of Chinese manufactured padded chairs for broad American butts in place? Check!

Sarah Palin in the back stapling her roadkill wig into place? Double check!

Tickets all sold out? Uh.....well....maybe not quite a check?

At least not according to a post a few days ago.

SPECIAL OFFER FOR FACEBOOK FANS ONLY! Buy one, get one FREE tickets! Use code "Palin" at check out.(Offer for GA & VIP Only)

(I believe "GA" stand for general attendance.)

Now maybe I am misreading this, but if you are offering a two for the price of one sale, that does not exactly sound like it is standing room only at this event.

And after what just happened in Mississippi one has to wonder just how enthusiastic the conservatives are about a rally right now. After all there really is not much to celebrate.

(By the way speaking of Mississippi, that son-of-a-bitch is still refusing to concede.)

I don't know how much this JL Production. Inc. and Seveir County Tea Party folks are paying Sarah Palin, Judge Pirro, Rick "Please don't Google me" Santorum, and Allen West in speaking fees, but it looks to me that it is very unlikely they are going to break even.

Which is really kind of pathetic if you think about it.

I mean at least during Custer's last stand there were a substantial number of attendees.

I mean sure they massacred Custer and his men, but at least they bothered to show up.

Update: Concerning the attendance.

It does not sound like they were anticipating too many to show up.

Update 2: And here she is. Such a fashion icon. Don't you agree?


President Obama is now openly mocking the Republicans. And really, who can blame him?

9:50 PM By No comments

President Obama is now openly mocking the Republicans. And really, who can blame him?
Courtesy of Politico:

President Barack Obama is letting his inner Don Rickles run free, mocking climate deniers as the crowd who used to think the moon was made out of cheese or spineless dopes who can’t or won’t listen to science even though the science is all overwhelmingly pointing in one direction. Their heads are in the sand. They are members of the Flat Earth Society.

“It’s pretty rare that you encounter people who say that the problem of carbon pollution is not a problem,” Obama said. “In most communities and workplaces, they may not know how big a problem it is, they may not know exactly how it works, they may doubt they can do something about it. Generally they don’t just say, ‘No I don’t believe anything scientists say.’ Except, where?” he said, waiting for the more than accommodating crowd to call back, “Congress!”

Obama smiled — not his big toothy self-satisfied grin, but his stick-it-in-the-ribs smirk.

“In Congress,” he said. “Folks will tell you climate change is hoax or a fad or a plot. A liberal plot.”

Then, Obama said, there are the people who duck the question. “They say, hey, I’m not a scientist, which really translates into, I accept that man-made climate change is real, but if I say so out loud, I will be run out of town by a bunch of fringe elements that thinks climate science is a liberal plot so I’m going to just pretend like, I don’t know, I can’t read,” Obama said.

“I mean, I’m not a scientist either, but I’ve got this guy, John Holdren, he’s a scientist,” Obama added to laughter. “I’ve got a bunch of scientists at NASA and I’ve got a bunch of scientists at EPA.”

“I’m not a doctor either, but if a bunch of doctors tell me that tobacco can cause lung cancer, then I’ll say, okay. Right? I mean, it’s not that hard.”

You know since many Americans, especially young Americans, now get their news from the Daily show, and the Colbert Report did a better job of teaching us about SuperPAC's than the networks, I totally support the President's mocking of the Republicans, and his attempt to use humor to illustrate the ridiculousness of their anti-science arguments.


The NRA is now fighting on the side of convicted stalkers and domestic abusers for their right to own guns. Sure, what could possibly go wrong?

4:22 AM By No comments

The NRA is now fighting on the side of convicted stalkers and domestic abusers for their right to own guns. Sure, what could possibly go wrong?
Courtesy of HuffPo:

The National Rifle Association is fighting proposed federal legislation that would prohibit those convicted of stalking and of domestic violence against dating partners from buying guns, according to a letter obtained by The Huffington Post.

Federal law already bars persons convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from purchasing firearms. S. 1290, introduced by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), would add convicted stalkers to that group of offenders and would expand the current definition of those convicted of domestic violence against "intimate partners" to include those who harmed dating partners.

Aides from two different senators' offices confirm that the NRA sent a letter to lawmakers describing Klobuchar's legislation as "a bill to turn disputes between family members and social acquaintances into lifetime firearm prohibitions." The nation's largest gun lobby wrote that it "strongly opposes" the bill because the measure "manipulates emotionally compelling issues such as 'domestic violence' and 'stalking' simply to cast as wide a net as possible for federal firearm prohibitions."

Yes this is clearly just a case of the liberal wanting to take as many guns away from American patriots as possible, and has NOTHING to do with the fact that the majority of gun deaths in the country are from accidental shootings and incidences of domestic violence.

The NRA letter goes on to suggest that this legislation could be used in a situation where two gay men got into a "shoving match" and that resulted in one, or both of them, having their 2nd Amendment rights suspended.

Which of course is funny in that I seriously doubt the NRA gives a shit about protecting the rights of the LGBT community who do not fit very comfortably inside their targeted demographic, and is of course a ridiculous argument as this legislation is focused on those CONVICTED of domestic violence and a shoving match hardly qualifies.

The letter also suggests that taking the rights away from convicted stalkers is unfair because "'Stalking' offenses do not necessarily include violent or even threatening behavior."

Once again it must be remembered that this is somebody who was CONVICTED of stalking somebody, and one must assume that if somebody continues such an activity after being convicted for it that they are undoubtedly in an unstable mental state, which should preclude them from owning a firearm in the first place.

This whole thing drives me crazy. It is as if the right to own a gun supersedes EVERY other single right, and must be given priority over the rights of every person who may be placed in danger by another person's right to own that weapon.

People with mental health issues, violent tendencies, and obsessive personalities should be the LAST people to be allowed access to guns, and yet in their single minded focus on saturating the country with deadly weapons the NRA is completely unwilling to see the insanity of their point of view.


Russell Brand goes after Judge Jeannine Pirro over her recent rant on Iran, and calls Fox News "more dangerous than ISIS."

3:33 AM By No comments

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Comedian Russell Brand on Tuesday blasted Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro for taking a position on bombing Iraq that he said was even “worse” than the militant group ISIS which has taken over a large portion of the country.

In what BuzzFeed called “the craziest rant a Fox News host has ever done,” Pirro over the weekend lashed out at the president for not ordering sustained air strikes on Iraq.

Brand took to his YouTube channel on Tuesday to dissect Pirro’s commentary, starting with the claim that ISIS was “coming for us.”

“Hold on, they’re not,” Brand noted. “They not coming. Also, it’s interesting when she says, to them, we are the infidels. Meaning that she regards them as the infidels. Which means unclean, disconnected from God. Don’t try to counter religious extremism with religious extremism.”

Pirro said that her solution to the recent violence Iraq was to “bomb them. Bomb them, keep bombing them, bomb them again, and again.”

“F*cking hell!” Brand exclaimed. “When they do these bombings it creates more insurgents, that’s what creates them. Don’t think of a bomb as going down there and destroying stuff, think of it as like a seed that goes into the ground, and grows insurgents out of it. It creates more terrorism, doing it.”

During her rant, Pirro had also labeled ISIS a “fanatical religious terrorist organization.”

“So is Fox News — is a fanatical terrorist propagandist organization,” Brand observed. “This isn’t reasonable, is it? Like the way she’s talking? ‘Bomb them! Bomb them!’ She’s worse… She’s the savage, she’s totally espousing savage values.”

“I don’t’ recommend it, but there are porn site available where you can let a woman abuse you,” he continued. “There on the camera, she’ll go like, ‘Look at you, look at your little d*ck. Think that I fulfill you? Oh yeah, what are you going to do with that thing? Wanna smell my ass? Wanna sniff my bum bum?’ They say stuff like that… This woman is like those people.”

You know my opinion of Russel Brand grows by the day.

I don't always agree with him, but I would absolutely love to sit down and discuss, or debate, any topic of his choice. I think that would be a blast, and quite entertaining.


Fox News host Neil Cavuto completely loses it with Michele Bachmann over the Republicans plan to sue the President. Did this really happen?

3:25 AM By No comments

Courtesy of Think Progress:

The segment devolved into a shouting match, with Cavuto laughing off Bachmann’s indignation about Obama’s use of executive powers.

“You just said it, congresswoman, we might not get anywhere,” Cavuto exclaimed in frustration. “Maybe Republicans are within their rights, maybe the president is within his rights.” As Bachmann sought to defend the suit, Cavuto accused her of “conflating issues and being silly.”

“Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders, because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now,” he exploded.

Cavuto’s real rage came out in response to Bachmann’s suggestion that Republicans in Congress should simply defund the executive branch. “Think about what you’re saying,” he screamed. “Defund the executive branch? Congresswoman! If Democrats had said to you, ‘we’re going to defund President Bush,’ you would have laughed at them and so you should have been.

You know when as a Republican you are being ridiculed by Fox News you know you have really stepped in it.

You know I could literally watch conservatives argue and fight all day.

Just need more popcorn and I am set.


Artillery shell fired in gun show travels three miles before striking resident's home in Oklahoma.

2:47 AM By No comments

Artillery shell fired in gun show travels three miles before striking resident's home in Oklahoma.
Courtesy of KOAM TV:

A homeowner in Wyandotte, Oklahoma is awaiting damage assessments after an artillery shell entered his home.

It was fired at the Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot and Trade Show on Saturday, around 3 miles a way.

Homeowner Gene Kelley could not fathom what he found after hearing a large crash inside his home.

"It's unbelievable," Kelley said. "Unless you were here to see it or see the pictures I've got, you would not believe how huge this thing is."

A 105 howitzer artillery shell, 14 and a half inches long and 3 and a half inches across, was lying on his bedroom floor.

It entered from the outside wall, hit the ceiling, and damaged another wall, all while he and his wife were home.

"Fortunately, nobody was hurt," Kelley said.

Homeowners say if the shell had not first hit a tree limb and then the ground, the impact would have been a lot more severe when it hit the house.

The Ottawa County Sheriff's Department says the shell came from a historic artillery canon fired at the gun show.

The gun range owner says the weapon was fired safely by professionals at a downward projection.

"It was not on a level plane, but on a downward trend, pointed downhill in the bottom of a valley," said Mike Friend, Owner of Fast Machine Gun Shoot. "For that thing to rise and go far northwest of the range, it's just unheard of."

Both he and the homeowner describe it as an absurd occurrence.

An "absurd occurrence?" How absurd would they think it was if that shell had hit and killed somebody's child?

You know I have been to military shows where there were cannons fired that held blanks, which made an impressive boom but no shell was fired. I simply do not understand the thinking which went into the decision to live fire a howitzer.

What is that saying? It's all fun and games until somebody gets hit with a howitzer shell?

On the other hand I am sure the ammosexuals who attended that show creamed their pants when the howitzer fired. That is like a bullet riddles bukkake for those folks.


Just one of the reasons that I love this show.

1:59 AM By No comments

Just one of the reasons that I love this show.
Two days. That is how long it took me to devour the second season of Orange is the New Black.

And believe me if I did not have to sleep and work I would have managed it in one day.
