Wednesday, June 25, 2014

President Obama calls for a bill that requires businesses to provide paid maternity leave, and other pro-family legislation.

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President Obama calls for a bill that requires businesses to provide paid maternity leave, and other pro-family legislation.
Courtesy of CS Monitor:

A White House Summit on Working Families Monday focused attention on a workplace policy where the US stands in a league of its own: America is the only advanced economy without a legal provision for paid maternity leave.

President Obama said it’s time to change that as well as other policies in a bid to make the American workplace better for families. He also called for steps to expand paid sick leave, flexible work schedules, and access to affordable child care.

The Monitor goes on to point out that polls show overwhelming support for paid maternity leave, and for businesses to provide flexible hours so that workers can meet family needs, so long as they still complete their work.

It is pretty clear that Obama is trying to create a template for Democrats to use in future elections, while also cornering the female vote.

I firmly believe that if President Obama were eligible for a third term he would win by an even larger margin than the last as he has certainly become the hands down champion for the workers, for the gay community, for women, and for just about every minority you could mention.

Essentially the only demographic that would come out strongly against him are middle aged men, Fundamentalists, and Ammosexuals.

And if Hillary is smart she will take up where the President left off and use this momentum to ride into an easy victory in 2016. However if she moves too far toward the middle in order to woo a demographic that will never vote for her anyway she risks losing the ground that Obama has won for the Democratic party.

I have to admit I do have that fear sometimes.



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