Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Former conservative columnist finally tells the truth about the Republican's view on attracting non-whites to the party.

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Former conservative columnist finally tells the truth about the Republican's view on attracting non-whites to the party.
Courtesy of Raw Story:

Disgraced conservative columnist John Derbyshire is urging the Republican Party to abandon its meager efforts to court voters who aren’t racist white men.

Derbyshire, who lost his job with the National Review after publishing a “nasty and indefensible” 2012 column about his racial prejudices, told Communities Digital News on Friday that the GOP would never attract enough black and women voters to be worth the effort.

“The future of the conservative movement is as a home for white ethnocentrism,” said Derbyshire, who now writes for the white nationalist site VDARE.

He said “conservatives are the only people in the U.S.A. trying to ‘transcend contentious racial issues,’” but agreed with his “friend” — white nationalist Jared Taylor – that white people should stop trying to get along with black people.

“Whites may as well start asserting themselves and join in fighting for the spoils,” Derbyshire said. “If that’s right, ‘colorblind conservatism’ is a dead end, and the future of the conservative movement is as a home for white ethnocentrism.”

Well now finally some truth telling from the conservatives.

And does anybody really think that this is NOT the opinion of the vast number of Republican party members?

Oh they can pretend to want to create a "big tent" but really all they want is a big plantation, with the darkies relegated to the positions of servitude that these racists believe they were born to occupy.

Oh and don't think his opinions on women are any more enlightened.

“Women are just like that,” Derbyshire said. “One thing we might try would be putting some alpha males up front, instead of mealy-mouthed cringing betas.”

So according to this guy the only hope for the survival of a conservative party made up of angry white guys, is to become even angrier and whiter moving forward.

Good to know.



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