Thursday, September 26, 2013

Al Sharpton rejoices in the fact that Sarah Palin is now Ted Cruz's most vocal cheerleader. Update!

9:24 AM By

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Best line from the discussion in my opinion came from Krystal Ball:

"She and Ted Cruz are a match made in heaven. Because they are both motivated by their own selfish interest in publicity and in fame. Neither one of them is any more conservative than the people who are denouncing them, but they both are more selfish and less interested in governance. All they want is for all the media attention to go to them."

I could not have said it better.

Update: Steve Schmidt was on Hardball yesterday. Here is what he had to add:

For the last couple of years, we've had this wing of the party running roughshod over the rest of the party, tossing out terms like RINO, saying we're going to purge the moderates out of the party, that, you know, it's all of the people that she's attacking in her statement. We've lost five U.S. Senate seats over the last two election cycles and fundamentally we need Republicans whether they're running for president, whether they're in the leadership of the Congress to stand up against a lot of this asininity.

You finally see it with Ted Cruz, maybe he was the one that has gone a bridge too far. And as we come up against a potential default, potential government shutdown, wise people understand the political consequences for the Republican party. Maybe we'll start seeing our elected leaders stop being intimidated by this nonsense, have the nerve, have the guts to stand up and say enough is enough, this isn't what the Republican party's about. To fight to take conservatism's good name back from the freak show that's been running wild for four years and I have deep regret in my part, certainly, in initiating [it]. But it's time for Republicans to again embrace what made us successful in the past, which is a party that has solutions to the problems that face the country.

Yes Ted Cruz is the most visible example of the Palinization of the Republican party. A hyper partisan, take no prisoners group of ideologues who have little interest in progress, and are concerned solely with making money, attracting a ton of attention, and pushing a selfish agenda.

No wonder Palin supports Cruz, he is like her long lost brother. A Hispanic brother, born in Canada, and educated at Harvard. Well, you know, besides that part.



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