Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sarah Palin bitches that the media investigated "the irrelevant hockey mom from Wasilla," yet did not do their jobs with investigating Washington corruption. Does she even watch real news?

11:26 AM By

Sarah Palin bitches that the media investigated "the irrelevant hockey mom from Wasilla," yet did not do their jobs with investigating Washington corruption. Does she even watch real news?
This was posted last night on the Batshit crazy Banshee's Facebook page:

Look, I’ll keep this brief because I want to spend quality time getting kids to bed tonight. (Translation: I have to yell at my kids to shut the fuck up while I'm on the phone with my Facebook ghostwriter.) Doubt I’ll get much sleep though because the recent proof of government corruption makes me nauseated. (Translation: Red Bull and Peppermint Schnapps don't mix as well together as you might think.) If it doesn’t you, and you can blindly ignore the status quo embraced by our politicians and low information voters, then I unapologetically call out your disloyalty to the ethical foundation of the greatest nation on earth.

Palin takes a moment fan the Tea Party calling them a "grass roots organization" of "patriots" who came into being due to corruption in government. That of course is a false narrative, as ultimately revealed in a piece on HuffPo just yesterday.

Palin then goes on to pimp the book by Peter Schweizer that she pimped over at Breitbart yesterday. I will spare you that here and jump right into the "It's all about me" portion of her rant.

Here’s the deal: all politics is local. And personal. Let me personalize this. It is UNBELIEVABLE that the press would investigate every nook and cranny of my life; send gullible reporters to my little town to kick over every rock any family member ever tread underfoot; scour every email I’ve written; research every Palin campaign disclosure like junkyard dogs; sic 12 AP reporters to fact check my book; breathlessly report about my wardrobe and an old used tanning bed I bought to get some sun during Alaskan winters as if these were vital national news stories; hound friends, personal doctors, strangers, and just downright strange people, etc., etc., etc., to know everything we do (and they still get the story wrong!). They blew and still blow all those resources “investigating” the irrelevant hockey mom from Wasilla. (Oh, if only that were true.) Meanwhile our government goes to hell in a hand basket right before the “elite media’s” closed eyes, and it took my friend Peter Schweizer to slap you upside the head to see any of this corruption? Good God. Be ashamed, media, be very ashamed. (Yes media be ashamed that you sent all of that media up there are STILL missed the biggest hoax ever pulled on the American voters.)

Now, I think I’ll go read “Green Eggs and Ham” to my little boy, then we’ll all say a prayer for our country as I join you in readying for tomorrow’s battle for America. (Translation: This is a good place to use a Dr. Suess book to link me and Ted Cruz in the minds of the barely literate Teabaggers.)

You know I find it rather humorous that Palin is still so butthurt over the fact that she had all of that media attention directed at her when she first appeared on the scene, when we all know that she is doing everything in her power to attract similar attention today.

Palin likes to pretend that she hates people prying into her life, but in fact it is far worse for her when they ignore her.

Personally I would love to have the media launch a serious investigation into everything that she did as mayor of Wasilla, Governor of Alaska, and Queen of the Tea Party. But only if that investigation concluded with it being revealed that she grifted millions of dollars from the federal government, manipulated her followers into donating millions more for a campaign she never had any intention of mounting, and that she faked a pregnancy for the sole purpose of gaining access to the Republican presidential ticket in 2008.

Yes that would be an investigation worthy of the best efforts of the so-called "Lamestream media." However it is extremely unlikely to ever be launched because, let's face it, nobody cares that much about her.

If they did she would not have to resort to posting her frustrations on Facebook, or having them ghostwritten for her on Breitbart, or only have about an hour total each month on Fox News for her diatribes.

You see the main thing that was discovered during that whole investigation of "every nook and cranny" of her life is that she was a giant fraud, a puppet of corporate interests, and an attention whore.

THAT story has already been told, so if Palin wants to have any new attention directed her way she might have to reveal some things that she has worked very hard to keep hidden all of these years.

Speaking only for myself, I can tell you that my fingers are hovering at the ready above my keyboard any time that she wants to start.



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