Saturday, October 12, 2013

The polls for the Republicans just keep getting worse. This might be the worst one yet.

7:49 PM By

The polls for the Republicans just keep getting worse. This might be the worst one yet.
Here Ezra Klein of the Washington Post provides the highlights. (Or is that "low" lights?):

The latest NBC/WSJ poll is just a disaster for the GOP. The highlights:

- By a 22-point margin, the public thinks the Republican Party is more to blame for the shutdown than President Obama. NBC's Mark Murray notes that that's "a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96."

- Like Gallup, this poll shows the Republican Party at record levels of unpopularity. Only 24 percent have a favorable opinion of the GOP, and only 21 percent have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party. Both are "all-time lows in the history of the poll."

- Last month, voters preferred a Democratic Congress to a Republican Congress by three points. This month, it's up to eight points.

- Obama's approval rating has nudged up by two percent. This is a similar finding to the Washington Post/ABC News poll, which found Obama's numbers slightly improved even as the GOP plummeted.

- Despite the awful launch, Obamacare is becoming more popular. Last month, 31 percent said it was a good idea and 44 percent said it was a bad idea. This month, 38 percent think it's a good idea and 43 percent think it's a bad idea.

- Most people don't know enough about Sen. Ted Cruz to register an opinion. But among those who do, Cruz fares poorly: 28 percent have as negative opinion and only 14 percent have a positive opinion.

So to sum up the Republican strategy thus far has made THEM more unpopular than ever before, improved the President's popularity, and even helped improve the poll numbers for Obamacare.

Damn talk about the gang that couldn't shoot straight!

If they keep this up much longer Obama will see his poll numbers go through the roof, EVERYBODY will be clamoring for Obamacare, and the Republicans will be considered such damaged goods that they couldn't even get elected hall monitor.

In fact at least one of the President's supporters was so thrilled with this new poll that he sent Ted Cruz a fancy gift basket:

Buoyed by a new poll showing that the current federal shutdown has whacked the Republicans and lifted support for Obamacare, one of the president's closest allies decided to thank the architect of the GOP strategy with a fancy gift basket.

“Dear Ted,” said the card to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on the fruit and snack basket from 1-800-FLOWERS sent by Brad Woodhouse, president of Americans United for Change and the former Democratic Party communications director. “A Texas sized thank you!! Thanks to you, Obamacare is more popular and the GOP is less so. Keep up the Good Work!! Yours, Americans United for Change.”

He added, “it's the best $90 we've spent.” The gag gift, which cost $91.98 including the service charge, is called “Fruit Gathering,” and meant for “your closest friends,” according to the website.

Hey maybe we should all start doing that. I wonder what will happen to Cruz's support among the Tea Party if his office starts filling up with thank you gift baskets from Democrats?

Could be fun to find out.



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