Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Sarah Palin video that she NEVER wanted you to see.

8:24 AM By

Courtesy of Occupy Democrats:

Sarah Palin thought she had struck gold when the opportunity presented itself to shamelessly hijack a Veterans protest at the World War II Memorial in Washington DC this week in order to further her own political aspirations.

Unfortunately for her, these veterans did not take kindly to having their protest co-opted by a failed presidential candidate and quitter who gave up her post as Governor of Alaska in order to take a multimillion dollar deal with FOXNews.

Just as she was in the middle of cynically rewriting history by claiming that it is the President Obama and Democratic Party, and not the intransigent Tea Party House Republicans, who are using our veterans and military as “pawns’ and are responsible for the reckless shutdown of The People’s Government which led to the closing up the World War II Veterans Memorial in D.C., one Veteran correctly shouted, “Republicans closed the government!”, followed by another Veteran appropriately scolding her, “You’re an idiot!”

Well gee, I wonder why THIS footage never made it onto Fox News?

Did you see Ted Cruz's face when they yelled out "You're an idiot?" It was probably right at that point that he realized he had just made a terrible mistake.



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