Sunday, December 22, 2013

Homophobia and ignorance converge on the Sean Hannity Show, featuring Sarah Palin resplendent in camouflage clothing and hypocrisy soaked hair piece. Update!

1:18 AM By No comments

Hannity does the set up which includes a whitewashing of Duck Dynasty patriarch, Phil Robertson's remarks. Once the raw meat is deemed sufficiently bloodied, they release the Palin!

Hannity: "That looks like a Duck Dynasty camo shirt. Is that it?"

Palin: "Uh we wear camo up here everyday and it's funny that, ironically, I was wearing camo this morning when your producer called to ask if I'd be on the show. And I'm like 'Sure, and I'll keep my same clothes on if you don't mind.'" (So those are Palin's camouflage PJ's? Ewww!)

Hannity then asks for Palin's thought on the controversy. (I bet she starts with it being all about "freedom.")

Palin: "Well it's all about freedom. Free speech, ya know so many American families have spilt blood and treasure to guarantee Phil Robertson's, and everybody else's right to voice their personal opinions (Except YOU Martin Bashir!), and once that freedom is lost Sean, everything is lost in our country. Now, A&E they were absolute quacks on this one, the marketing department there, here they had just recently rolled out their new slogan from their marketing department. And it's 'Be original.' Well that translates, with A&E's marketing department today into, 'Be stupid.'

"To get rid of the most popular patriarch on television today...uh I tell ya there are other networks that would just nab these guys up in a heartbeat. A&E really screwed up on this one."

Hannity then goes on to claim to be a fan of the show and that the reason it is popular is because they talk about religion. (And here I thought it had something to do with ducks.) Finally asking "Doesn't this have a lot to do with religion?"

Palin: "Well you know, they're not in your face though which I think is so refreshing. (Yeah, for instance THEY are not trying to sell a book attacking atheists and suggesting that only Christians can enjoy Christmas.) You know they talk about tradition, they live out traditional Judeo-Christian ethics, that our nation is founded upon. And I think that is, not only refreshing, but it''s ...uh..inspiring and empowering for the rest of America to be emboldened and to say "Hey, if they can do it, and be so popular, and not as mocked and criticized perhaps, until now, as others have been then maybe the rest of us can do it too.' And that's got to strengthen our country. And it's going to strengthen those who are elected to protect our freedoms. (Wait, the Duck Dynasty guy was protecting America's freedoms? By appearing on a reality show?) Hopefully it will make them acknowledge how important our foundation of freedom is and they'll do something about it."

(So to be clear what the crazy person is saying is that Robertson's homophobic rant should be ignored because his appearances on Duck Dynasty serve as a model to politicians that THEY can also push their religious beliefs down the throats of the American people? WTF?)

Hannity then does his job of turning the attention back to Palin, and what a poor victim SHE has been of attacks from the Left. And pointing out that she did not call for boycotts against Bill Maher or Martin Bashir for their comments. (No she just fired up the paint chip eaters and let THEM do her dirty work.)

Palin: "No, because I am a freedom of speech kind of gal." (At this point I ironically look over at my letter from Thomas Van Flein threatening to sue me if I did not retract everything from my Splitsville post back in August of 2009. All of which turned out to be true by the way.) "I'll tell ya I got a lot of e-mails this morning on this one with A&E, where a friend, in fact a friend of mine that happens to be gay, she e-mailed me to say she is outraged at A&E for the hypocrisy here for the things they air on their program that she finds offensive, yet A&E doesn't fire a star or somebody involved in their programming based on what they've said, but they would when it comes to Phil on Duck Dynasty. And this friend, she said that she would boycott A&E, and that network, (DO you hear that A&E? Sarah Palin's only gay friend is no longer going to be watching your shows. That'll learn ya!)and um she's not the only one, I've received many many e-mails from people saying 'You know why give them our money, our eyes, ears, our resources?' There are other channels out there to be watching?"

(So to be clear, Sarah Palin's VAST group of gay supporters are going to stop watching A&E over this situation. I cannot almost hear the executives tremble from here.)

Hannity brings the subject back to the fact that Robertson was simply defending his right as a Christian to call out the sinners, and asks Palin if she agrees that many Christians share his views on homosexuality.

Palin: "Well what Phil was saying was reciting a part of the Gospel. The liberal Left must feel that the Gospel then is insulting and offensive. Because Phil was just repeating what is in the Bible. And what Phil went on to say was that all sins are equal, and we all sin (Some more than others, right Sarah?), so we all need a savior. And I say that at this time, this Christmas season, now is the time where, like the three wise men, we can seek that savior, we can find that savior ,and then our problems will be solved. That's what Phil was saying." (Well as a member of the Liberal Left I found almost all of that offensive, as well as historically, rationally, and even Biblically inaccurate.)

Hannity then asks if Palin thinks that Americans, whom he seems to believe think like both he and Palin do, will rise up in support of Duck Dynasty the way they did for the owner of Chick-fil-A?

PALIN: "Absolutely! You're going to see people wearing their camo. You're going to see people wearing their red, white and blue bandanas and be out there with their duck calls and everything else, as this manifestation of support for a family that is traditional and strong and they circle the wagons when times are tough and -- and -- that is so Americana. And it's patriotic. It's beautiful. (Camo and duck calls are beautiful? Maybe in Wasilla!) It's part of the heart of America. And we all need to be out there promoting and protecting the heart of America. We can do that by showing support for Duck Dynasty." (So to be clear kids, protecting the reality show Duck Dynasty is JUST like putting on a uniform and fighting for your country.)

Hannity then asks about some of the other A&E programs, and suggests that though conservatives might find them offensive they do not demand that they be removed. (Apparently Hannity is unaware of the activities of the American Family Association, and other religious groups that regularly demand that programming be changed and threaten boycotts.)

PALIN: "Yes, my reaction to A&E, again, is their new slogan, "Be original," does translate into "Be stupid" because if they have such a hypocritical view of what is acceptable and not acceptable, well, that is going to offend the majority of Americans."

"Bottom line, Sean, is A&E has chosen to marginalize and tried to stifle the freedom of someone who is filled with faith in the Gospel, that being Phil from "Duck Dynasty." And Americans -- we're smart enough to understand what's going on here. We're also smart enough to understand that we do not have to promote and give business to a network like that, if we, you know, don't believe in the action that they just took. And A&E is going to feel it."

Damn that is a lot of hypocrisy for this early on a Friday morning!

Somewhere I have to believe that Martin Bashir is shaking his head in disbelief and muttering, "She really is insane isn't she?"

Yes Martin, she is!

Update: In reference to Palin's love for free speech and her contention that she would never respond as GLAAD did in response to Phil Roberston's words, let me present the SarahPAC letter calling for Martin Bashir to be fired.

Update 2: Here is another Phil Robertson anti-gay rant in case we were not convinced by the first one:

The most inflammatory section of his attack on the lives of gay people is when he quotes the full passage of Romans 1:26-32 which is often used as an example for Christian opposition to homosexuality.

Verse 29 begins, 'They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents and they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.'

Oh yeah, gotta love that free speech.



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