Saturday, December 28, 2013

The RNC decides to wish everybody a Happy Kwanzaa. Excrement, meet fan.

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The RNC decides to wish everybody a Happy Kwanzaa. Excrement, meet fan.
Courtesy of Forward Progressives:

On December 26th, the following was posted on Facebook by the Republican National Committee:

“From December 26th through January 1st, many families will take time to celebrate African culture and history. Kwanzaa is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to honor the importance of family and community, and it reminds us of the great diversity in America. Happy Kwanzaa!”

Now if you’ve been paying attention to the new Republican base, you can imagine how well this statement went over.

But rather than force you to use your imagination, please allow me to present The Rabid Hordes. In their own words:

From Art Robinson comes “This is America, not Africa, either you are American or not, if not, leave the USA!”

Terry Crowder is super upset because fake war on Christmas and ‘MERIKUH and “You can’t celebrate Christmas even using the “C” word is wrong and offencive [sic] to other cultures but you can promote Kwanzaa? America is truly going down the tubes when when not everyone is treated equally. Where is the “DIVERSITY” when you omit Christmas” (The "C" word? Boy have I been saying THAT wrong!)

Of course, Dennis L. House jumped into the mix with “An FBI directed commie made up holiday? Really?”

There were quiet a few right-wing white people who were very butthurt by the lack of diversity for…well…white people.

White people like Brian McTamaney who added his two cents by pouting “How is celebrating one race of people good for diversity in America? WTF is with this post?”

Given that other than Black History Month, every freaking day is White People Day. I’m not really sure why Brian’s panties are so bunched up. Maybe his hood was too tight.

Moving on to a few of my personal favorites, we have Stan Garver. Stan seems to be lacking in so many things; empathy, basic intellect, a soul. He writes “If Kwanzaa is an African-American celebration of family and community, not many of them must observe it. Instead they have broken families and trash their communities.”

And of course there were many, many more. If you do not believe me just click the link.

But remember, and this is very important, the Republican party is not, repeat NOT full of a bunch of racists.

Just ask them, that's what they'll tell you.



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