Saturday, December 14, 2013

Well it's official, if a Michigan woman does not want to carry her rapists baby to term she needs to think ahead and buy "rape insurance."

8:29 PM By No comments

Well it's official, if a Michigan woman does not want to carry her rapists baby to term she needs to think ahead and buy "rape insurance."
Courtesy of Raw Story:

The Republican-dominated Michigan state legislature pushed through a bill on Wednesday requiring women to purchase separate insurance policies if they want to have an abortion, the Detroit Free Press reported.

“I don’t think elective abortion should be a part of insurance,” state Rep. Nancy Jenkins (R) told the Free Press. “This doesn’t affect access to abortion. It will still be legal when this law takes effect. Who should be required to pay? Not Michigan taxpayers.”

However, the law, which takes effect in early 2014, will also ban women from purchasing the policy after becoming pregnant under any circumstances, including rape and incest, causing opponents to refer to it as a policy on “rape insurance.”

The bill passed by a 27-11 margin in the Senate, and a 62-47 vote in the House, mostly along party lines. According to the Associated Press, state Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer (D) said during the debate that she was raped 20 years ago.

“Thank God it didn’t result in a pregnancy because I can’t imagine going through what I went through and then having to consider what to do about an unwanted pregnancy from an attacker,” Whitmer was quoted as saying. “If this were law then and I had become pregnant, I would not be able to have coverage because of this. How extreme, how extreme does this measure need to be?”

Supporters of the law cited a petition drive by the anti-abortion group Right To Life that gathered 315,477 signatures — covering about 4 percent of the state’s population — as a response to Gov. Rick Snyder’s (R) vetoing a similar bill in 2012 as a reason to avoid a statewide referendum on this year’s bill, saying residents in each of the state’s 83 counties signed the petition.

I guess being raped once in Michigan is simply not sufficient.

They would rather you be raped and be forced to give birth to your attacker's child, or purchase extra rape insurance so that when you get raped you can relax and take solace in the fact that the extra money you have spent each month means that you don't have to spend the next eighteen to twenty years raising the child that was gifted to you by God through brutality.

And the War on Women continues on.



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