Friday, January 3, 2014

Apparently unaware of the progress being made in the country, social conservatives are preparing to spend big money on campaigns and candidates that promote anti-gay policies and policies compatible with their religiously driven agendas.

2:33 PM By No comments

Apparently unaware of the progress being made in the country, social conservatives are preparing to spend big money on campaigns and candidates that promote anti-gay policies and policies compatible with their religiously driven agendas.
Courtesy of Politico:

The recent backlash against the tea party in Congress and the public could provide an opening for religious conservative leaders. They believe that, with a few tactical adjustments, they can capitalize on donor dissatisfaction with establishment outfits like Rove’s Crossroads and fiscally conservative operations like the one connected to the billionaire industrialist Koch brothers. Between them, the Rove and Koch networks combined to raise an unprecedented $750 million for their 2012 efforts.

Socially conservative groups, meanwhile, mostly missed the boat on the explosion in unlimited outside group spending in the post-Citizens United world.

“There are enough people out there that are pro-life and pro-family that have the resources to fund political efforts on those issues, and for a variety of reasons they just haven’t stepped up and so we have to do a better job of getting them to step up,” said Bauer, who’s been working with Cannon and others to increase coordination among socially conservative groups. Their leaders, according to Bauer, are increasingly concluding “that we’ve been behind the curve and that we need to do a better job of strategic fundraising and working together in order to get more traction on these issues.”

That was the subject of an informal strategy session on the sidelines of the Ritz summit including Bauer, South Dakota businessman Bob Fischer, Tennessee donor Joe Gregory, operative Pam Pryor, fundraiser Richard Norman and others. Among the topics discussed was coaxing support from megadonors aligned with the Koch and Rove networks, partly by highlighting the paltry 2012 rate of return of the groups in those networks.

Other ideas included the retreats, which are in some ways patterned off the twice-a-year seminars organized by the Kochs, as well as identifying a handful of key 2014 races where they could have a major impact, which would allow them to raise more in 2016 to back a socially conservative presidential candidate to take on presumed Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

And here I thought Christmas was over, and yet the gifts keep right on coming.

This of course is the same group of nuts that was behind George Bush's campaign, the ones that traditionally use the platform of God, guns, and gays to energize their base. A base by the way that is shrinking every election cycle.

They are also often blamed for the selection by McCain of Palin as his running mate, as sort of a bridge between his more establishment conservatism and their radical religious agenda.

So if these idiots are successful, and actually do have some input into who is nominated in the 2014 and 2016 cycles, we could see fewer Chris Christie's and Rand Paul's and more Michele Bachmann's and Mike Huckabee's.

And that is in the era of legalized pot, same sex marriage, and blowback against the war on women.

Oh this ought to be good.



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