Saturday, January 4, 2014

Utah man goes on hunger strike until his state stops allowing gay marriage. Oh yeah, that'll work.

1:51 AM By No comments

Utah man goes on hunger strike until his state stops allowing gay marriage. Oh yeah, that'll work.
Courtesy of Raw Story:

A Utah man vows to go without food until the state stops issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Trestin Meacham believes the state has the ability to “nullify” the recent decision allowing same-sex couples the right to marry. States, he believes, have the right to “nullify any unconstitutional action of the Federal Government,” and that this decision is “patently unconstitutional.”

By his reckoning, states have unilateral authority to reject any decision made by the federal government, and cites as evidence a series of failed attempts to have this belief recognized in courts of law.

Meacham remains undeterred. In a post on his public Facebook page flush with false humility, he writes that “I cannot stand by and do nothing while this evil takes root in my home. Some things in life are worth sacrificing one’s heath and even life if necessary. I am but a man, and do not have the money and power to make any noticeable influence in our corrupt system. Never the less, I can do something that people in power cannot ignore.”

He claims that his opposition to same-sex marriage “has nothing to do with hatred of a group of people,” but on his blog, he is quick to note that the challenge to Judge Shelby’s decision will be “will be heard by Sonia Sotomayor, a known champion of the homosexual movement.”

On the down side if this guy thinks that skipping a few meals is going to convince gays to stop fighting for the right to marry he is fasting up the wrong tree.

On the other hand he has already lost 25 pounds and he looks Faaaabuloooous!



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