Thursday, February 27, 2014

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer just vetoed SB 1062, the bill that would have allowed businesses to discriminate based on religious intolerance.

10:44 AM By No comments

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer just vetoed SB 1062, the bill that would have allowed businesses to discriminate based on religious intolerance.

This is breaking news, but I just watched Jan Brewer announce that she vetoed the bill, and then walk away without taking any reporter's questions.

Update: Here is the CNN report:

Brewer said she made the decision she knew was right for her state.

"I call them as I see them, despite the cheers or the boos from the crowd," she said, calling the bill "broadly worded" and saying it could have unintended consequences.

Her announcement spurred cheering and hugs by protesters of the bill in Phoenix.

The measure, known as SB 1062, would have given Arizona businesses that assert their religious beliefs the right to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.

I just told my daughter that with all of these pro-gay decisions happening right now it almost makes me feel left out just being a boring old straight guy.



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