Friday, February 14, 2014

New study finds that internet trolls are "sadists" and "psychopaths." Wait, they needed a study?

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New study finds that internet trolls are "sadists" and "psychopaths." Wait, they needed a study?
Courtesy of the Washington Post:

In yet another instance of science belatedly confirming what common sense has already told us, a new paper from researchers at three Canadian universities concludes that Internet trolls aren’t just mean — they’re sadists and psychopaths.

The paper, published last week in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, surveyed a group of several hundred on their Internet behaviors and personal traits. It found that trolling correlated with higher rates of sadism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism, a certain lack of scruples when it comes to deceiving or manipulating other people.

“… it might be said that online trolls are prototypical everyday sadists,” the paper rules.

Apparently this was derived from a study at the "Institute of Obvious Crap That Everybody Already Knows."

I have visited some places that actually have interesting, inventive trolls, which always frustrates me because for years I have been stuck with the "Get a life" and "Bathhouse Barry" level of trolling.

I think I deserve better.

However I have to say that my favorite bit of trolling was during the height of the blowback after I posted "Splitsville," when I received an email that called me a "Nazi Nigger Faggot."

I remember looking at that for the longest time and giggling hysterically.

Not one of those things even remotely describes me. I mean everybody knows I'm a Commie Cracker Heterosexual.



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