Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sarah Palin prepares to honor us with her 2014 political predictions. Ooh look, goosebumps. Update!

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Sarah Palin prepares to honor us with her 2014 political predictions. Ooh look, goosebumps. Update!
Courtesy of Nostradumbasses Facebook page:

“We the People” – are you ready to send our Congressional patriots their needed reinforcements? Here’s how we do it!

As I said in my speech last week in Washington, D.C., America needs bold Constitutional conservative leaders who will fight for us with intelligence and integrity to restore our exceptional nation and preserve the blessings of liberty and prosperity. Time is short. I’m convinced it’s now or never to save our free republic. (I agree, we need to save our republic. From anybody that Sarah Palin would deem worthy of support.)

So, I’m excited to announce that big U.S. Senate and House of Representatives endorsements are on the way! We’ll tackle some state races, too. (If I were one of the candidates that Sarah Palin might endorse I would be shitting bricks about now.) Lots of vetting and research goes into these endorsements because this is for YOU. It’s to allow you to take a closer look at good men and women with servants’ hearts who are willing to get in the rough and tumble arena to help save America. Please do your own homework on candidates; never put all your hopes and unattainable expectations in anyone running for office (because humankind’s imperfections aren’t absent in politicians), but know that I’ve been diligent and pragmatic in choosing patriots whom I believe we can trust to do the right thing. (In other words sabotage the government from within.) I never want to let you down! And you know me well enough by now; you know I do my homework; I use discernment, and then I go with my gut. (Yep I have my staff provide recommendations, I think on them, and then I just do whatever the hell I want to anyway.)

These candidates put service over self and principles over politics. They’re not going to D.C. to get cozy with the permanent political class or feather their nests off the crony capitalism running rampant in the swamp. They’re going to Washington to shake things up and restore that endangered species in D.C. – common sense – in an out-of-control government that stomps on the neck of freedom and opportunity. These men and women have promised to be fighters for all that is good about America. They’ll have our back; let’s do our part and watch their backs, too, as we send these reinforcements into the battle.

I’ll roll out endorsements in coming days; I’ll ask you to support the good guys, and we’ll all covet prayers for them and for the great awakening I’m confident our nation is experiencing as people open their eyes to the present harsh reality but also to America’s future positive possibilities as we seek our nation’s good destiny! (I'm sorry, what?)

Help spread the good news; we can send helpmates to the good guys in D.C., so keep the faith! (Yep that's what this country needs, re Ted Cruz's, more Mike Lee's, and Allen West's.)

- Sarah Palin

Palin's predictions have been less than earth shattering as of late, which you might imagine would force her advisers to suggest that she make safer choices this go around in order to fortify her fraudulent reputation as a king maker.

But if this Facebook post is any indication, she has no intention of making smart choices and instead is going to endorse any old fruit loop who claims to know all the words to the Star Spangle banner and believes that Jesus personally wrote the Constitution with his own blood.

In other words simpletons who have no business being anywhere near Washington D.C..

Oh hell it has already started.

If I were running the campaigns of those who are being endorsed by Sarah Palin I would use quotes from her in every campaign ad I paid for, until they publicly shunned her.

She could actually be the best secret weapon the Democrats have in 2014.

Hell even musicians do not want their music associated wither her.

Update: Wow, even the gun nuts are pissed off at her.



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