Monday, April 21, 2014

Concerning laws against gays, Franklin Graham says that Putin is going to do what's right for Russia. Calls gay adoption "recruitment."

7:46 PM By No comments

Courtesy of the You Tube page:

Rev. Franklin Graham on Sunday said that he stood by earlier comments agreeing with so-called gay "propaganda" bans in Russia because President Vladimir Putin was doing "what's right" for the country. During a March interview with the Charlotte Observer, Graham had asserted that LGBT people were trying to "recruit" children by adopting them, and suggested that it was "exploitation."

He also said that he "agreed" with Putin because "protecting his nation's children was a pretty smart thing to do."

Speaking to ABC News on Sunday, Graham doubled down on his praise of the Russian president.

"Putin is going to do what's right for Russia, and not what's right for America, but for Russia," he opined. "We used to have a president in this country that did what's right for this country, but we don't seem to have that right now."

"Putin is going to make these decisions that he thinks is best for the Russian people, and he thinks that taking advantage of children — exploiting children — is wrong for any group so they passed a law," Graham added. "So, I do agree with him."

When asked about his father, Rev. Billy Graham, he again brought the discussion back around to the issue of same-sex parents.

"When we talk about families, when we talk about gay people, many people, maybe gays that are watching want to know, 'Can God forgive me or can I go to Heaven as a gay person?' Absolutely," he declared. "But the same for any of us, we have to repent of our sins and turn."

"A person cannot stay in adultery and be accepted by God," Graham continued. "You have to repent."

It is kind of hard to believe that anybody would suggest that what Putin is doing right now is "good for Russia" but I guess when you are a fellow homophobe you tend to give your fellow hate mongers the benefit of the doubt.

As for this idea that gay adoption is about recruiting children into homosexuality, that could not be farther from the truth.

I have known, and worked with, several gay adoptive parents and essentially I can think of only one family where a child they had adopted turned out to be gay.

The rest were quite heterosexual, though to be honest they seemed to lack the gene which inspired them to call every kid they did not like a "faggot." Unless of course that is NOT a heterosexual feature and instead a learned behavior.

Franklin Graham is a POS and really should serve as an embarrassment to Christians everywhere, as well as to Americans who find Vladimir Putin to be a chest thumping megalomaniacal bully.



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