Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Local news outlet reveals that rancher Cliven Bundy is lying about his rights. Could have knocked me over with a feather.

3:34 AM By No comments

Local news outlet reveals that rancher Cliven Bundy is lying about his rights. Could have knocked me over with a feather.
Courtesy of KLAS-TV Las Vegas:

"I've lived my lifetime here. My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley here ever since 1877. All these rights that I claim, have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and the water and the access and range improvements," Bundy said.

Clark County property records show Cliven Bundy's parents moved from Bundyville, Arizona and bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948 from Raoul and Ruth Leavitt.

Water rights were transferred too, but only to the ranch, not the federally managed land surrounding it. Court records show Bundy family cattle didn't start grazing on that land until 1954.

The Bureau of Land Management was created 1946, the same year Cliven was born.

"My rights are before the BLM even existed, but my rights are created by beneficial use. Beneficial use means we created the forage and the water from the time the very first pioneers come here," Bundy said.

"My rights are before the BLM even existed."

Only true if you are VERY bad at math.

This fight has been raging for 20 years, and the entire time Bundy has claimed that his family has been utilizing that land since 1877. That is a lie.

Whether you agree with his position or not, the fact that he fudged his family history in order to create a certain western frontier mythology, should have people stepping back and reevaluating his motives.

Especially before they get shot trying to defend them.

Now if you want to talk about a group who have an actual case....

I wonder how many teabaggers and militia members would ride out and take their sniper positions to support THIS group?

Yeah, that's what I thought.



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