Friday, April 18, 2014

Sarah Palin and the politically terrorizing, horrid, up to no good, very bad for America week. Update!

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Sarah Palin and the politically terrorizing, horrid, up to no good, very bad for America week. Update!
So next week is going to be a balls to the wall, bring out your inflatable bawangas, make sure to wear your most photogenic road kill wig, week for Sarah Palin.

First she is headed out to Tulsa, Oklahoma with fellows Teabagging lunatics Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, to pimp for Senate candidate T.W. Shannon on the 24th.

As you know Oklahoma has been fighting to replace Florida and Texas as the official national redneck laughingstock, what with their Hobby Lobby Bible Study, and their proposed get shit faced and shoot'em up family activity center.

So for Oklahoma having this clown car show up will not even seem like an embarrassment.

Update: Here's one I missed. Palin will also be in Alabama on the 25th, giving a speech at the Baldwin Country Republican party annual dinner.

So now she is showing up at tiny political venues where there is NO national press coverage.


On Saturday, the 26th, Palin will appear at an NRA rally in Indiana, where she will undoubtedly dress like a two bit hooker and lick the barrel of a gun in order to inspire people politically to stand up for their rights to shoot people who look at them cross ways.

And on the 27th, Palin will make an appearance at something called the "Heels on, Gloves off" ShePAC rally in Iowa, where Palin will once again set back the woman's movement by at least 50 years.

All of this is a clear indication that Palin is going for broke this election cycle and working her bony Red Bull fueled butt off to prove she is still politically relevant and hopefully trick a few more people into giving money to her PAC so she can stop having to actually do work-like things in order to make money and support her layabout family, buy more botox, and keep paying the hush money.

Of course a lot of that monetary support depends on Palin endorsing winning candidates, and her appearances seeming to actually help them emerge victorious in November.

A possibility that seems less likely than ever.



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