Monday, April 7, 2014

The anti-abortion movement taken to extremes.

11:06 AM By No comments

The anti-abortion movement taken to extremes.
So this morning I was looking around for something interesting to post, and after finding nothing that really caught my eye I decided to bop on over to crazy town and see what Brancy had posted.

What I read there quite literally made me incredibly uneasy, to the point of being somewhat shocked.

I actually read it twice because I found it so hard to believe.

Here is what was posted:

This is so precious:

“The 10 best hours of my life,” is how Lindsey Dennis describes her short time with Sophia Kyla, born last fall. Lindsey and husband Kevin found out at the 20th week of her pregnancy that Sophia had a brain disorder that is 100 percent fatal. Their heartbreak has been eased by an organization run by volunteers called, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, whose mottos is “Providing the gift of remembrance photography for parents suffering the loss of a baby.”

“As a more intense grieving began for us, having photos of Sophie when she was alive and well just meant the world to us,” Kevin explains.

What a wonderful organization and a perfect way to celebrate life — no matter how short.

So to be clear this woman went through nine months of pregnancy just to have ten hours of watching her newborn suffer as its little body slowly died.

And they then had the experience documented through photographs so that they could relive it over and over again.

I don't think I have ever heard of anything so selfish and macabre in my life.

At twenty weeks they could have chosen to protect their child from future suffering by aborting the pregnancy. But instead they are so aggressively "pro-life" that in their minds it was better to give birth to a child who will never have a chance at life, then to allow the pregnancy to terminate with no pain for the fetus.

As a parent learning that your child had no hope of survival is without a doubt the most painful thing one can imagine, but your decision about what to do next should focus on protecting that child from unnecessary hardship and NOT on your own ideological sensibilities.

It seems the rallying cry of the anti-abortion movement is "To give birth at all cost," but that seems incredibly myopic and unreasonable.

Maybe I am simply not seeing this clearly, so if anybody has a different opinion please share. Because, to be honest, I am unable in this case to see both sides of the issue.



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