Sunday, May 4, 2014

Update on the Tripp Johnston custody case.

4:33 AM By No comments

Update on the Tripp Johnston custody case.
For those of you who were asking I got a little info on the case.

From what I understand the hearing actually already happened, and I don't believe it involved having either of the parties showing up to the courtroom. In fact Tiemessen, the Palin lawyer, participated telephonically according to Court View.

I would assume that the first appearance before the judge will happen sometime in the mid to late summer, depending on the number of cases scheduled for the Palmer courthouse.

Until then I would expect Bristol to stay in town, and to be VERY cooperative with Levi in the hopes of demonstrating that she is not unreasonable, and that she was not taking Tripp out of state to be punitive.

Of course Levi has hours of reality show video, and undoubtedly other electronic interactions to prove exactly why she did what she did.

I really have a good feeling about this case, and think that this may very well be one that the Palins end up losing,



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