Friday, June 20, 2014

New analysis determines that states with lax gun laws have a higher percentage of gun deaths. In other news apparently water is wet.

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New analysis determines that states with lax gun laws have a higher percentage of gun deaths. In other news apparently water is wet.
Courtesy of the Violence Policy Center:

States with weak gun violence prevention laws and higher rates of gun ownership have the highest overall gun death rates in the nation, according to a Violence Policy Center (VPC) analysis of new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

Meanwhile, states with the lowest overall gun death rates have lower rates of gun ownership and some of the strongest gun violence prevention laws in the nation. However, even in these states the human toll of gun violence remains unacceptably high and far exceeds the gun death rate in most Western industrialized nations.

The five states with the highest per capita gun death rates in 2011 were Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana. Each of these states has extremely lax gun violence prevention laws as well as a higher rate of gun ownership. The state with the lowest gun death rate in the nation was Rhode Island, followed by Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. Each of these states has strong gun violence prevention laws and has a lower rate of gun ownership.

Why is Alaska always on these bad lists?

Look before all of you sad little gun fetishists start to panic, nobody wants to keep law abiding citizens from owning a gun.

I completely understand that Viagra is expensive, loud noises frighten you, and that you have the muscle mass of a quadriplegic, so without your arsenal of bang sticks you feel lost, impotent, and confused.

However there are people who are careless with firearms, emotionally ill equipped to handle them, or mentally deranged and possibly homicidal, and surely everybody would agree that these people should not be trusted to own or handle instruments of death that can kill even fathers of newborns from all the way across the street.

We just want to send our children to school knowing hey are safe, attend a movie without having to wear a flack jacket, and shop in the mall without scanning the food court for armed assailants.

In other words we just want to live in the America that existed before the NRA started pushing gun ownership like that creepy guy in the van hands out free samples of meth to the neighborhood children. (The first taste is always free.)

In my opinion our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, outweighs the right of ammosexuals to walk around feeling like a bad ass.



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