Sunday, December 14, 2014

Just in case you harbored any doubts that Jeb Bush was running for President.

10:58 PM By No comments

Just in case you harbored any doubts that Jeb Bush was running for President.
Courtesy of Politico:

Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor who is considering a run for president, said in an interview aired this weekend that he’s going to release about 250,000 emails from his time in office.

The move seems designed to get ahead of opposition researchers poring through his time in office — the Democratic research super PAC American Bridge already has started digging in on the candidates — but also to contrast Bush with people like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, both of whom have been accused of creating a fog of secrecy in their government offices.

Unlike the records of Christie and Clinton, Bush’s document trove is fairly dated — he was in office from 1999 to 2007. But the idea, he told WPLG-TV in Miami, is to create “transparency.” Bush was known as an active emailer while in office, often responding to queries himself.

Old Jebby is also writing an ebook. (Can't get an actual publisher?)

So yeah, I think we can all assume that Jeb is definitely throwing his hat into the ring.



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