Tuesday, October 29, 2013

American Family Association may sue military for daring to call them a hate group.

10:52 AM By No comments

American Family Association may sue military for daring to call them a hate group.
Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:

American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer said that his group may file a lawsuit against the US military because the AFA was included on a list of domestic hate groups in an army training. Fischer said that Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) is “demanding answers” from the Pentagon about the list and why the military is “even spending time focusing on groups that are made up of American citizens.”

“We are considering legal action, we think this is defamatory, it’s outrageous, it’s libelous,” Fischer said. “It’s not beyond the possibility that we would resort to some kind of legal action.”

Fischer added that he found it “particularly offensive” that the military compared the AFA to the Westboro Baptist Church since “you’re not going to find a stronger supporter of the American military than the American Family Association.”

Of course the reason that the SPLC has deemed AFA a hate group is NOT because of their stance on the military, but rather because of their incredibly venomous attacks on the gay community in this country. Many of who proudly serve this country, and who now do so openly, which is something that AFA has spoken out against numerous times.

Perosonally I think it would be a good thing if AFA sued the US Military.

Just imagine all of the hateful garbage that would be revealed in discovery and broadcast into the mainstream media during the trial.

No, organizations like the AFA survive because they are mostly paid attention to only by like minded bigots. Once the world had a chance to be disgusted by their hateful rhetoric they would find themselves marginalized even further.

I doubt there will be any lawsuit.



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