Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sarah Palin's token black friend, Star Parker, claims that President Obama is turning us all into pro-gay European zombies. Because there's nothing crazy about THAT.

2:44 PM By No comments

So Parker appeared in the above video being interviewed by Joseph Farah, founder of the batshit crazy World Net Daily, and said some rather insane things.

Here let Raw Story fill you in:

Parker, author of the books Pimps, whores and welfare brats and Uncle Sam’s Plantation, is the founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), a Christian ministry. She told Farah that dark times are coming under Obama administration.

Parker said that “if young people start to distrust each other, we’re going to see more division. We’re going to see ourselves get separated and segregated again, not just when it comes to our ethnicity, but when it comes to our religion.”

“I mean, what this president has done to damage the Christian community to where — and the laws,” Parker ranted, “that are coming out of places like the state of California and others, you know, in California where you’ve got the boy going into the girls’ bathroom.”

“But the laws, um, the laws that are pushing homosexuality out into society,” said Parker, “when, when, when you have this type of vileness exalted, the wicked go on the prowl. That’s what the Proverbs says, is that if the wicked can now go on the prowl, people with the resources will now pull away, and so they become much more private.”

She concluded, “So while you have ill activity now in the public square, you have those decent people and quiet communities becoming much more, you know, refined, and more closed. And that’s not healthy for us as a society because when you go start walking out in the public square and nobody talks to each other, that’s what they do in Europe. They’re just a bunch of zombies and we don’t want that as Americans.”

Damn that is some Sarah Palin worthy word salad!

So to be clear, and that is almost impossible considering the subject matter, what Parker is suggesting is that President Obama's attempts to create a less racially divided, less homophobic society, is destroying the country, because "decent" more "refined" people, ie Fundamentalist Christians, are feeling closed off.

At least I THINK that's what she is saying.

And my carefully considered response to that is, "About fucking time!"

I hope that having a more openly diverse population makes the bigots and religious hypocrites run into their little cookie cutter houses, close themselves off from the rest of us, and stay out of the public square permanently!

Personally I can hardly WAIT until that happens, and we can take back our country from the judgmental religious bullies that have for too long made the majority of us feel unwelcome to participate in politics or have a voice in the direction of OUR nation.

It simply cannot happen fast enough in my opinion.



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