Friday, October 11, 2013

Today's horrible parenting advice courtesy of Glenn Beck.

3:14 PM By

From the good folks at Salon:

Glenn Beck branched out on Wednesday from his usual political conspiracy crazy-making to dispense some terrible parenting advice. You see, Beck believes that parents should use verbal abuse and physical intimidation to teach their children that their rights “come from God” by getting “in their face” and making them cry.

“Well, they’re going to cry, it’ll hurt their feelings” yelled a visibly agitated Beck. “Push them! Because if you don’t do it now, it’s going to be much worse when they’re pushed and they’re shoved and they’re shot. Push them! Teach them! The need to know the truth and the need to be pushed up against the wall once in a while so they know they can defend themselves.”

Just so you know Beck has four children of his own. Four poor, clearly emotionally abused, children.

I work with emotionally and physically abused children and I am here to say that pushing your child up against a wall, and yelling at them, does NOT make them tougher. It makes them emotionally fragile, unable to form trusting relationships, and suffering from horrible lack of self esteem.

Oh, and they also often grow up to abuse their own children as well, so the cycle continues.

By the way exactly WHO is it that Glenn Beck believes will shoot children for believing their rights come from God? The people who may disagree with that are unlikely to resort to violence.

I occasionally hear a little Glenn Beck on the radio when I am out driving, not often but occasionally. And I am here to tell you that he is so much more crazy these days then he was on his final days at Fox that it is almost unbelievable. I have no idea how anybody takes him seriously, but if you meet somebody who does you should avoid that person at all cost.

Just a little advice courtesy of your Uncle Gryphen.



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