Thursday, October 3, 2013

When is a shutdown not a shutdown? When it's a "slimdown."

1:38 AM By

When is a shutdown not a shutdown? When it's a "slimdown."
The above is a screengrab of Fox News yesterday.

As you can see they worked overtime trying to minimize the impact of the shutdown, and even went to so far as to use ridiculous language such as "slimdown" in its place to make it seem more desirable and less egregious.

"Hey ladies, want to knock a few pounds off of government before the holidays? Well now you can with our newest product 'Lie your ass off' energy drinks. Now comes in two flavors "John Boehner Orange" and "Congressional double vanilla."

Yeah I know a little fat I would like to trim off of the government as well, and it looks suspiciously like a number of greasy artery blockers currently working in Congress.

I would simply laugh this off except I remember when the Pro-Life movement was known as the Anti-Abortion movement, when Illegal Aliens were simply known as Undocumented Workers, when the Death Tax was known as the Inheritance Tax, and when Intelligent Design was known as Creationism.

Words matter, especially if you are dealing with a population who are simply not paying close attention.




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