Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Anti-abortion group suggests that members offer to shuttle women to clinics and then kidnap them and take them to church. What could go wrong?

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Anti-abortion group suggests that members offer to shuttle women to clinics and then kidnap them and take them to church. What could go wrong?
Courtesy of

Fears are held for the safety of women in Texas after an anti-abortion group infiltrated a pro-choice volunteering service, with the aim of kidnapping women to change their minds on abortion.

A post circulating on Facebook released the email of a volunteer group within The Cicada Collective, an "autonomous community-centred group of reproductive justice organisers located in North Texas".

According to the post, the Collective was looking for volunteers to "shuttle TX women around for their abortion appointments" and called for anti-choice campaigners to apply, undercover, in a bid to lure the women away.

It then urges the undercover guises to instead ferry the women to a Church to delay the abortion and ultimately, change her mind.

"I'm not suggesting you actually takea (sic) woman to an abortion clinic," it reads. "It's a wonderful opportunity to minister to an abortion minded woman for an hour while you DON'T take her to the clinic."

"And hey if you can't change her mind by the time she gets out of your car and realises she is at church and not the clinic she's missed her appointment anyway".

Yes let's infiltrate a group under false pretenses, lie to emotionally fragile pregnant women, and then kidnap them. What a great plan....for getting sent to prison.

Look I know these idiots live in some crazy alternative reality where the laws of humankind do not apply to them, and God is willing to post their bail if they just pray hard enough, but surely there is SOMEBODY within his organization who realizes what a horrible this is.

And if they don't realize it now I have to believe that after they have been sent to a Federal penitentiary for kidnapping, the thought might occur to them then.

Seriously is there any place in the country where it is worse to be a woman than Texas?



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