Thursday, November 28, 2013

IBD Goes There: Obama Life Story Fabricated; Terrorist Wrote Obama Book?

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IBD Goes There: Obama Life Story Fabricated; Terrorist Wrote Obama Book?

IBD Goes There: Domestic Terrorist
Bill Ayers Wrote Barack Obama Book?

An article topic previously published by BirtherReport and GatewayPundit has now been picked up by Investors Business Daily along with Rush Limbaugh. IBD asks if voters are victims of an elaborate con. Well, Duh!

( Audio via Rush Limbaugh. Hat tip Mara Zebest. )

Terrorist Ayers Confesses
Sharing Obama's 'Dreams'
Investors Business Daily

Excerpt: If someone else wrote the book the president has repeatedly claimed he did — a book that proved significant in his election and earned him millions in late royalties — it not only exposes him as a fraud, but further indicts the national media for failing to properly vet him.

In fact, the media elite used the book to help promote him for the presidency. Time magazine, for one, gushed that "Dreams From My Father" "may be the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician."

Others waxed proudly about how his tangled and biracial life story reflected "the diversity of America."

But this myth-making was recently busted by Obama biographer David Maraniss, who documented at least 38 instances in the president's life story that were fabricated. Obama made up people, events and history. Much of the book was pure fiction.

The real story may be that Obama was deeper in bed with an unrepentant America-hating militant socialist than he has admitted.

Did America elect a fiction to the White House? Are voters victims of an elaborate con? It's high time the national media started asking hard questions. [...] - Continued at IBD. Also at Breitbart News here and here.

@ IBD: Don't forget about his fabricated birth certificates and selective service card... Both felonies!




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