Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mitt Romney eliminated Chris Christie as a running mate and mocked him due to his weight.

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Mitt Romney eliminated Chris Christie as a running mate and mocked him due to his weight.
Courtesy of HuffPo:

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was on Mitt Romney's vice presidential short list initially, but the GOP nominee took him off in part because of his weight.

In their new book Double Down, journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann reveal that one of the reasons Romney quickly eliminated Christie as a running mate was that he was bothered by his lack of physical fitness.

"Romney marveled at Christie’s girth, his difficulties in making his way down the narrow aisle of the campaign bus," the authors write. "Watching a video of Christie without his suit jacket on, Romney cackled to his aides, 'Guys! Look at that!'"

The Romney campaign had dubbed its search for a vice presidential nominee "Project Goldfish," and Christie was stuck with the code name "Pufferfish," according to a report on the book by The Washington Post.

Wow, as if we needed another reason to think that Mitt Romney was an asshole.

Look I am somebody who looks at Christie and worries that he may be unhealthy at that size, but to openly ridicule him is just cruel.



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