Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Whoa Nelly! Alaska domestic terrorist Schaeffer Cox turns the crazy up to 11.

11:46 AM By No comments

Whoa Nelly! Alaska domestic terrorist Schaeffer Cox turns the crazy up to 11.
Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:

Acting as his own legal representative, convicted militia leader Schaeffer Cox filed an appeal with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this month, claiming that he is the victim of government misconduct.

In a document he sent from federal prison in Illinois to the San Francisco-based court, Cox claims that federal officials lied, withheld key information, failed to supervise informants, tampered with evidence and witnesses and set up a sting to entrap him.

Cox said he was the innocent victim of the same prosecution team that mishandled the case against the late Sen. Ted Stevens and others, but his court-appointed attorney won’t raise the issues he wants to pursue.

“Suppression, concealment, false statements and use of known perjured testimony are the hallmarks of this prosecution team and of this present case,” Cox wrote.

Cox wants to have his case returned to U.S. District Court in Alaska and asked that a new attorney, Robert John of Fairbanks, be appointed to represent him.

Can you believe this schmuck is trying to link his case to the Ted Stevens case in order to suggest it was mishandled? I am no fan of Uncle Ted, but he deserves better than to have his name associated with this crybaby.

As many of you remember Cox has a history of conflicts with his attorneys, and always seems to believe they are working against him. Almost like he is a paranoid schizophrenic or something.

And it may just be that his attorney has similar concerns.

After Cox filed his appeal, dated Dec. 4 and received by the appeals court Dec. 11, it appears that his attorney in Seattle filed a separate document with the court, seeking a competency hearing. That motion was filed with the court “under seal,” meaning it is not available for public review.

His own attorney asked for a competency hearing?

Just how far off the deep end has Cox gone?

Cox claims that he became a target of the so-called “Polar Pen” investigation set up by the Justice Department to sniff out corruption among Alaska politicians.

According to Cox, the two key federal attorneys prosecuting his case took their names off of future legal filings about his case three months after he was arraigned, “once it became apparent that the misconduct would be made public,” he wrote.

He said his attorney, Suzanne Elliott, is not familiar with the federal investigation of political corruption in Alaska and won’t take on the feds.

Writing about himself as the “Movant,” he said that his attorney is “adamantly disinclined to raise appellant’s issues in regard to the denial of admissibility of evidence Movant needed to assert entrapment, prosecutorial misconduct” and other violations, he charged.

Well hello psychotic break.

Now this "Polar Pen" investigation that Schaffer is speaking of is the nickname given to the investigation into the Alaska political corruption probe that focused on the oil industry, fisheries, and prisons for profit programs up here.

Essentially it was the program that brought down the Corrupt Bastards Club.

So Cox seems to be claiming that HE was a target of this investigation due to his closeness to certain political types, who were also the target of the investigation.

In a note to his appeal, Cox said he admits “to letting his ego run away with him and becoming full of himself. Rubbing shoulders with state senators, representatives and other political leaders coupled with having hundreds of followers come to his rallies was heady territory for a 24-year-old home-schooled political newcomer. And it was not well handled.”

Now of course I think that Schaeffer Cox is completely out of his damn mind.

However it is worth noting that he DID rub shoulders with Rep. Don Young, Joe Miller, and, of course, Sarah Palin.

So the question remains, even if Cox is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, is there information on these individuals still rattling around in that pointy head of his that would be of use to in future investigations?

Might be, but if there is then it would seem likely that the Feds already know most of it.

And the rest? Well the rest is so marinated in paranoia who would believe it?



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