Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fox's Elizabeth Hasselbeck thanks creationist Ken Ham for "standing up" to Atheists. By doing what, misinforming people about evolution?

1:45 AM By No comments

Courtesy of Raw Story:

The president of a Kentucky creationist museum told Fox News on Monday that Christmas was a “time to take on the atheists” who used their free speech rights to doubt the existence of God.

“Well, it wouldn’t be Christmas without someone complaining about Christ,” Fox & Friends host Elisabeth Hasselbeck told Creation Museum President Ken Ham, noting that atheists had put up a billboard in Time Square which suggested that Christ was not needed during Christmas.

“You know, the atheist who are a very small minority in the population have been trying to impose their religion of atheism on the culture now for quite a while,” Ham explained. “You know, getting Bible, prayer out of schools. Christian symbols out of public places.”

“Because they’re becoming so aggressive, I just feel that it’s really time Christians really stood up in this culture to take on the atheists and to proclaim their message of hope,” he continued. “I mean, what’s the atheists’ message? There is no God? When you die that’s the end of you? So everything’s just meaningless and hopelessness?”

Ham said that his group, Answers in Genesis, had put up its own billboards in Time Square, including one that says, “To all our atheists friends: Thank God you’re wrong.”

“Our message to the atheists is, hey, we’re not attacking you personally but we want you to know the truth, that there is a God who created you and you are sinners as all of us are, but that God sent his son to become a babe in a manger,” he insisted.

When you call somebody a "sinner" based on your superstition, yes that IS considered attacking somebody personally and is insulting to the rational thinkers who refer to themselves as atheists or agnostics.

“The atheists are only a small part of the population,” Hamm said. “And really, it’s that minority, less than 2 percent of the population, that seem to be having such say in our culture, in imposing their anti-God religion.”

Actually there are a hell of a lot more people who think of themselves as Atheists who are simply not yet confident enough to come out of he closet, or who realize doing so will jeopardize their jobs, relationships, or reputation in their communities.

That is really why the atheist community are "becoming more aggressive." It is to help make being an Atheist more acceptable and to help others hiding in the shadows that there is a community out there who will embrace them and allow them to be who they are without fear of persecution.

“What they’re really doing, the atheists, they’re really wanting to impose their anti-God religion on us, on the culture. And so we need to stand up against that.”

Just a small correction, Atheism is NOT a religion. That is unless the consider bald a hair color.

Boy it certainly looks like Elizabeth Hasselbeck has finally found a place to call home doesn't it?

She could never have got away with a softball interview like this on The View.



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