Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sarah Palin and conservatives attack MSNBC host for laughing at incongruity of Romney family adopting African American just months before Mormon church finally stopped referring to their brown skin as a "punishment from God."

11:27 AM By No comments

Sarah Palin and conservatives attack MSNBC host for laughing at incongruity of Romney family adopting African American just months before Mormon church finally stopped referring to their brown skin as a "punishment from God."
Courtesy of Palin's ghostwritten Facebook page:

Holy unbelievable. The hypocritical leftist lamestream media should be shamed by every caring, child-loving American. It has once again reached a new low. See the article linked below. One just can't win in their petty little games. Good thing most Americans don't play those little games! It's a beautiful thing the Romney family has done by embracing “the spirit of adoption.” What on earth is more beautiful? Shame on MSNBC for mocking this.

The LSM's pursuit of “shock ratings” is unreal. Governor Mitt Romney ran for higher office with what I believe is a servant's heart. He was saddled with some sup-par campaign tactics. That does not make him a bad person nor does it open his children or grandchildren to attacks over a year after the fact. This latest attack from the Left is despicable.

Leftist media hounds are not expressing an opinion with this attack; they are expressing a prejudice that would never be accepted if it came from anyone else but the lib media.

You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year's Resolution be to find one.

Thank you, Romney family, for giving a child a family full of love.

The ghostwriter then links to an article on Breitbart, but I will spare you having to see that.

The hubbub is over a reaction that occurred on Sunday during the broadcast of the Melissa Harris-Perry show. The image up above flashed across the screen and the mostly African American panel responded by pointing out that it "summed up the diversity the Republican party and RNC" and with another panelist singing "One of These Things is Not Like the Other."

I will agree that it was probably somewhat impolitic to respond in such a way (Harris-Perry has since apologized.), however one can hardly blame them considering that the Mormon church just this month renounced the doctrine that brown skin is a punishment from God.

Besides perhaps they had seen a Romney family photo before.

Come on you have to admit that you don't get much more Caucasian than that.

There is also the fact that for some reason the Romney family decided to accentuate the baby's skin color by naming him after it:

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has welcomed a new addition to the Romney clan.

On Friday he tweeted, “Our 22nd grandchild was officially adopted today: Kieran James Romney,” alongside a photograph of a cute African-American baby. The child has been adopted by Romney’s second youngest son Ben and his wife Andelynne.

Interestingly, Kieran means “little dark one” in Gaelic. Kieran is common name in Ireland and although it literally means “black” or “dark,” it generally signifies a link to Fergus, King of Ulster, a mythological Irish figure.

Probably just a coincidence right? Right?

Regardless of what you think about the Romney's reasons for suddenly opening their homes to an African-American child I think we can all agree that the little one hit the jackpot as far as living a life of luxury. So good on the Romney's for adopting the little boy. (However I have to admit I do have an issue with religious families adopting children in order to increase the size of the flock.)

And since the Melissa Harris-Perry show is also an opinion show, and this segment took place during that portion, it does NOT indicate yellow journalism. Which if Sarah Palin actually had a degree in journalism she might be able to suss out for herself.

But the opportunity to attack MSNBC? And a black host at MSNBC? No WAY, is Sarah Palin going to miss that opportunity.

Update: One of the panelists weighs in.



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