Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hell yeah we have morals. And they're good ones too!

6:30 AM By No comments

Hell yeah we have morals. And they're good ones too!
You know I actually don't think that Atheists are necessarily more moral than religious people.

I just hate it when somebody makes the assumption that without religion we are without a sense of morality or empathy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

And I have known many truly wonderful Christians, Buddhists, Jewish people, etc. in my life.

However I have to admit that when I hear somebody describe themselves as a "Good Christian" that always raises red flags with me, because it seems to so often be followed by the statement, "I had no idea such a good Christian would do something so horrible to the Robertson's dog."

It seems that people use Christian camouflage to cover a devious nature so often that it immediately makes me suspicious. That's undoubtedly unfair, but there you have it.



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