Monday, January 13, 2014

The Telegraph tries to explain why men love porn star Lisa Ann, and gets it completely wrong. Update!

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The Telegraph tries to explain why men love porn star Lisa Ann, and gets it completely wrong. Update!
Courtesy of the Telegraph:

If you thought the older woman/younger man trend died a death post-Sex and the City and Cougar Town, think again. The recent coverage of PornHub's UK statistics showed that throughout the UK, porn star Lisa Ann is extremely popular: she's the top search term in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and second most popular in England, scoring top-5 status in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, and Bristol.

To some this will come as no surprise, but plenty of people are probably scratching their heads and wondering… who on earth is Lisa Ann?

The actress, who has been in films on and off since the mid-90s, hardly fits the stereotype of the skinny, young, bleached-blonde chick that seems to dominate popular imagination of what porn stars look like.

She's busty, sure, but also filled out everywhere else. And at 42, she is perhaps best-known for playing a Sarah Palin-alike, complete with Hockey Mom glasses, gubernatorial power suit, and semi-automatic rifle in (ahem) seminal Who's Nailin' Paylin.

While the controversial politician and pundit may not be many people's idea of a great date, one thing is for certain - well-groomed, approachable older women are considered enormously attractive across the board. The idea of the shelf life of sexual attractiveness topping out at 30 is going the way of the dodo, if PornHub is any indication.


Here's the rest of the top five searches.

While MILF is also a top search, so is British, lesbian, and Indian. None of which describe older woman per se.

What I really think is behind the UK focus on Lisa Ann has little to do with her age or figure, and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that her most famous role was to depict Sarah Palin being degraded and used by a variety of different men.

I think this obsession with Palin is driven by a deep and abiding dislike for the woman.

The British newspapers have been universally mocking and derisive toward Palin since she first stepped on the national stage, and rarely miss an opportunity to point out something stupid she has said or ridicule her for her attempts to gain fame through various reality shows. I believe this also reflects opinion of Palin throughout much of the UK.

In fact this desire to view Lisa Ann channeling Sarah Palin may be no more complicated then the visceral thrill they get by seeing something shoved in her mouth that finally gets her to stop talking. That may sound misogynist, but I kind of think it applies to both genders.

You know now that I think about it, that DOES sound satisfying.

Update: I thought I would further clarify my point by pointing out that this objectification of Sarah Palin is something that she encourages up to a point through her artificially inflated breasts, hooker shoes, and overall demeanor.

What Lisa Ann does is take that fantasy to its logical conclusion, and the Brits may not want to watch that because they are aroused by the idea of an older woman or Sarah Palin specifically, but because in more sadistic manner they want to see some version of her receiving what they believe she deserves.



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