Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Glenn Beck reviews new movie "Monuments Men" by blaming the Holocaust on progressives. Wait, what?

9:12 PM By No comments

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:

Beck said the film made his blood boil because it never discussed the fact that President Franklin Roosevelt cared about saving works of art but made no effort to stop the Nazis from murdering millions of Jews because he, like progressives then and now, "are all anti-Jewish."

"Forget about the art," Beck bellowed. "What about the people? What happened to be the people? No, we didn't care. We didn't care. Progressives didn't care and so all of those Jews died. We could have stopped them. Instead of Monuments Men, how about Auschwitx Men, how about Dachau Men? Why didn't we do that? Because they didn't care ... They were all anti-Jewish, just as much as they're anti-Jewish now."

You know I really NEVER watch or listen to anything that Glenn Beck says anymore, but this one was so crazy that it is being talked about everywhere.

By the way for those who have never seen a World War Two movie, we actually DID rescue the Jews at Auschwitz and Dachau.

And we also had the presence of mind to allow a small contingent of specially trained art historians rescue much of the priceless art that would have been lost without American intervention. NOTHING about this effort negatively impacted the effort to fight the Nazis or rescue the Jewish people.

At some point the Right Wing has to recognize that Beck is a paranoid schizophrenic and yank his pudgy ass off the air and lock him into the mental hospital where it belongs.



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