Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hundreds of University of Missouri students block Westboro Church members from protesting recently out of the closet Michael Sam.

7:34 AM By No comments

Courtesy of iacknowledge:

Wearing “Stand with Sam” pins and shirts that read “We Are All CoMo Sexuals,” hundreds of people lined up surrounding the stadium grounds. The shirts are a play off the nickname of Columbia, Mo, where the University of Missouri is located.

“Because Michael Sam stood up for Mizzou his entire career and we need to stand up for him,” a counter-protester said.

The Westboro Baptist Church was kept a short distance away from the stadium. In front of them stood the student body who – like many in America – have grown increasingly tired of the WBC’s hate mongering.

Inside the arena, the atmosphere was equally supportive. The football team was being honored for their stellar season, but it was Michael Sam who received the greatest adulation. When he appeared on the video boards during the game, the arena erupted in applause and even a standing ovation.

As the WBC stood shivering in the cold with their signs that read things like “Death Penalty 4 Fags” and “Fag Enablers,” there must be a growing concern among the members that it’s no longer about fighting a culture war against homosexuality. Staring at over a thousand people willing to stand in the frigid temperatures out of love and respect for one of their own, the WBC may have to recognize that perhaps the war is already over and they have lost.

Wow, I think that made me tear up a little.

This is such a powerful message to send to young boys and girls who are feeling insecure about their sexuality and worried about being accepted.



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