Thursday, February 13, 2014

South Carolina State Senator does not understand what a scientific theory is, so the teaching of Evolution is removed from the science standards.

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South Carolina State Senator does not understand what a scientific theory is, so the teaching of Evolution is removed from the science standards.
Courtesy of The Post and Courier:

An education committee approved new science standards for students except for one clause: the one that involves the use of the phrase "natural selection." The South Carolina Education Oversight Committee met Monday to review and approve the new set of science standards that the Department of Education will begin implementing by the fall of 2014 for students. Sen. Mike Fair, R-Greenville, argued against teaching natural selection as fact, when he believes there are other theories students deserve to learn.

"Natural selection is a direct reference to Darwinism," Fair said after the meeting. "And the implication of Darwinism. is that it is start to finish."

Fair argued South Carolina's students are learning the philosophy of natural selection but teachers are not calling it such. He said the best way for students to learn is for the schools to teach the controversy.

"To teach that natural selection is the answer to origins is wrong," Fair said. "I don't have a problem with teaching theories. I don't think it should be taught as fact."

Ultimately, the committee approved all measures except that clause, which now gets sent back to the committee level for review.

Oh and don't think the State Superintendent of Education is going to be of any help in this are either.

State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais said after the meeting he was not surprised by the debate that took place.

"This has been going on here in South Carolina for a long a time," Zais said. "We ought to teach both sides and let students draw their own conclusions."

And that is the freaking superintendent!

God this kind of think makes me insane!

For those on the short bus, when scientists refer to something as a "theory" they essentially mean a fact that is still being modified with the introduction of new evidence, not something that they just imagined and have no proof to back up.

The closest to that would be a "hypothesis" which is defined as "A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation."

If scientists were calling Evolution a scientific hypothesis this Fair guy might have a point. However even if they did there is still NO room for the introduction of religious mythology to be introduced as science.



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