Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sarah Palin watches the Sochi Olympics.

1:58 AM By No comments

Sarah Palin watches the Sochi Olympics.
This image showed the other day on Reddit.

I actually wasn't going to post this until I read the comments that accompanied it, and found a small yet aggressive group of trolls trying desperately to suggest that this was unfair because it was Tina Fey, and not Palin, who said "I can see Russia from my house," and that in fact living so close to Russia DID give Palin foreign relations experience.

On the first part, yes that is true, but Palin made a slight exaggeration like that incredibly easy, which is why it stuck. And on the second part, no it didn't!

Palin's interactions with Russia were virtually non-existent, and in her own words really only amounted to the scrambling of American jets when Russian jets would penetrate our air space, which happens occasionally, and which the Governor of the state has NOTHING to do with.

However the point of this Reddit post is was that Palin is a joke. Not only a joke but a joke so recognizable that her name itself is often the punchline.

So the handful of pro-Palin trolls can grind their teeth and pull their hair all they want, but over the years Palin has proved her detractors right repeatedly, and proved that the wishful thinking of her supporters is simply a fantasy based on nothing but wishful thinking.

By the way just to demonstrate how split the Republican party is these days, Palin has been invited to speak at CPAC again.

And the sad fact is that she will NOT be the craziest person there.



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