Friday, February 21, 2014

Wendy Davis already reaping the benefits of her opponent's choice to bring Ted Nugent onto the campaign trail.

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Wendy Davis already reaping the benefits of her opponent's choice to bring Ted Nugent onto the campaign trail.
Wendy Davis already reaping the benefits of her opponent's choice to bring Ted Nugent onto the campaign trail.
Wendy Davis already reaping the benefits of her opponent's choice to bring Ted Nugent onto the campaign trail.
Courtesy of Politico:

Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott might be making waves with his Ted Nugent tour this week, but his opponent Wendy Davis is making money.

Specifically, her campaign is seeking to harness the controversial rocker’s presence on the trail to attract donors who disagree with his statements about women.

In an email with the subject line “outrageous,” Davis says Abbott had embraced “an admitted predator who takes advantage of young girls, and calls successful women vulgar and disgusting names.”

“Ted Nugent calls Greg Abbott his ‘blood brother.’ I call their alliance repulsive,” Davis says in the email. “I find Ted Nugent disgusting, and I find it disgusting that Greg Abbott is sharing a stage with him.

Like I said yesterday, Nugent represents the opportunity for a financial windfall.

Not for the politician ignorant enough to have him show up at his rally of course, but for the person running against him it is like Christmas all over again.



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