Friday, February 21, 2014

Kansas state representative wants to allow teachers to spank children for up to ten swats. Or until the bruises become noticeable. Update!

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Kansas state representative wants to allow teachers to spank children for up to ten swats. Or until the bruises become noticeable. Update!
Courtesy of Politico:

A Kansas state representative has introduced a bill that would allow teachers and caregivers to spank children up to 10 times, hard enough to cause redness and bruising, according to a report.

House member Gail Finney, a Democrat from Wichita, said the bill aims to restore parental rights, according to KCTV5.

It takes current law a step further, allowing parents or anyone given parental permission to spank children hard enough to leave a mark. Spanking is now allowed as long as it doesn’t leave marks.

“This bill basically defines a spanking along with necessary reasonable physical restraint that goes with discipline, all of which has always been legal,” said Britt Colle, a deputy county attorney in Macpherson County, who gave Finney the idea for the bill, KCTV5 said.

The bill rules out hitting children with fists, a belt or a switch, or hitting them on the head or the body other than the buttocks, the report said.

Oh gee you can't use your fists, well then I guess it must be all right.

What the hell is wrong with these people.

The research is clear that hitting children simply reinforces aggressive behaviors, interferes with the child/parent bond, and can lead to terrible abuse directed at the child.

Trust me on this point, I work with some of the most difficult children in the state, and modify behaviors using redirection, positive reinforcement, and reasonable, non-violent consequences, every single day. I have seen incredible progress made by even the most disruptive and angry children you can imagine.

Children should respect their teachers, not fear them. They will learn far better if they are dealt with in a patient and understanding manner rather than bullied into compliance.

But let me make one thing clear, if I were a parent in Kansas whose child came home with a teacher inflicted bruise, I would be all in favor of corporeal punishment. And trust me, there WOULD be closed fists involved.

Update: Good news, the bill is dead.



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