Sunday, March 9, 2014

Esquire totally eviscerates Sarah Palin over her speech at CPAC.

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Esquire totally eviscerates Sarah Palin over her speech at CPAC.
Esquire totally eviscerates Sarah Palin over her speech at CPAC.
Courtesy of Esquire:

By now, and by god, it should have settled permanently in the consciousness of the nation what a huge and untoward gamble with the country John McCain and his campaign took in 2008 when they elevated Sarah Palin from her rightful place on the tundra to the political celebrity she currently enjoys. McCain should pay a heavy price for unleashing this ignorant, two-wheeled bilewagon on the country's politics. If you think she's a legitimate political leader, you're an idiot and a sucker and I feel sorry for you.

Yesterday she gave a wildly received speech to ring down the curtain at CPAC. The applause, as far as I know, may still be going on. It was as singularly embarrassing a public address as any allegedly sentient primate ever has delivered. It was a disgrace to politics, to rhetoric, to the English language, and to seventh-grade slam books everywhere.

This ambulatiory bag of rank resentment pulled out all the tricks. The cheap shots; "Aw, John, why the long face?" to the Secretary of State. The sneering, wheedling playground taunting -- "You can't make a phone call without Michelle Obama knowing, 'This is the third time this week you dialed Pizza Hut Delivery'" -- and a full panoply of funny voices that are the trademark of dipshit comics in every two-drink minimum club in America. We got "hope and channng-ey," and how "some members" of the GOP establishment are saying to us, "Hush, America. Go to sleep, little lambs." And, in what is being celebrated as the piece de resistance , she turned Green Eggs And Ham into an extended taunt.

If you laughed, you're an idiot and I feel sorry for you.

"This ambulatory bag of rank resentment " Boy wish I would have thought of that.

Right now Palin is getting spanked all over the internet for her crazed rhetoric, and taunting of the liberals, the media, and our President.

There are few who have anything positive to say, except of course those on the Right Wing fringe.

Clearly they are so desperate for attention from the mainstream media that they would support televised self-immolation if they thought it would get national coverage and somehow reflect poorly on the President.

The funny thing about CPAC this year was that each speaker seemed to be trying to out crazy the next crazy who might follow them to the podium.

NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre actually said:

"We don't trust government, because government itself has proven unworthy of our trust. We trust ourselves and we trust what we know in our hearts to be right. We trust our freedom. In this uncertain world, surrounded by lies and corruption everywhere you look, there is no greater freedom than the right to survive and protect our families with all the rifles, shotguns, and handguns we want.

Paul Ryan told a story about a kid who did not want to be on the school lunch program, and instead wanted to eat his lunch from a brown paper bag, that turned out to be plagiarized from a book written by a woman who actually works to feed hungry children in America.

So in this kind of atmosphere is it any wonder that Palin also had her ghostwriters plagiarize the Dr. Suess story that she claimed to have made up for Trig's benefit?

However here's the thing, one might be excused for pandering to the mental patients if one wants to get them to share their medication, put you in charge of the communal remote control, or believe you when you say you are the REAL Napoleon Bonaparte.

But pandering to the fringe should exclude you forever from actually seeking higher office in this country.

In that way perhaps Palin was among the most honest of the speakers. She knows full well that she is never going to return to public service, she just needs somebody to tune into her upcoming reality show and to keep sending their children's college money to her PAC.

And by honest I mean honestly willing to string along a group of morons too ignorant to recognize when they are being manipulated by a person who cares NOTHING about their values, their religious beliefs, or their desires for the future of the country, but is willing to fake it for attention and cash.



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