Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Ted Cruz coloring book has attracted some rather...interesting reviews.

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The Ted Cruz coloring book has attracted some rather...interesting reviews.
As many of you may remember that I wrote about this book back in December:

Yes kids get your coloring book dedicated to a Senator in his first term who is famous for obstructionism, sabotaging government, and lying. You know, just like Abraham Lincoln!

Of course I did not take it very seriously, and who would? However it quickly left my thoughts and I did not spend another second wondering how it was doing or what others thought of it.

And then the other day I happened across a Reddit post that mentioned the reviews it has been receiving. Curious I decided to take a look.

Courtesy of Amazon:

I didn't know how well I'd enjoy this book, seeing as how I only have white crayons. But, as it turns out, that's the only color required! Magnificent!

This book showed up just in time, as my daughter had recently finished her "Connect the Dots Mein Kampf." We spend all day listening to Skrewdriver and breaking the brown crayons.

As a bigot, it's hard for me to find books that advocate for and advance my position. Especially books designed for little kids. Thank God for this book. Now, I can stimulate the creativity of my little children, while still installing in them important lessons. Lessons like guns are good, health care is bad (at least if it comes from a Democrat president), and America is always right. If there are any facts that don't support my positions, I would prefer to ignore them. And if I can't ignore them, then I'd like to be able to shout them down. And I want to teach my children the same lessons. Without books like this one, we are in danger of raising a new generation of open-minded and tolerant adults . . . and it will be impossible to maintain our way of thinking if this happens. I'm looking forward to the next book in this series: "I am not a witch (but if I were, it would totally be okay to cast a spell and turn President Obama into a newt)."

I'm not a fan of his politics, but I have to give Ted Cruz credit for coming up with this coloring book idea. A perfect way to reach the Tea Partiers on their own literary level! The big question remains: Will they stay within the lines?

I could not understand nor stay with in the lines, this book was way over my head, I should stick with Sarah Palins books about green eggs and stuff.

So, after reading many reviews that mentioned what good toilet paper this book made, I was super excited to order my copy. Unfortunately, after receiving mine in the mail I was immediately disappointed. I don't know, perhaps I accidentally received a used copy, but mine was completely worthless for this purpose as every single page was already completely covered with crap...

And here I thought this book would not be well received.

P.S. By the way, good luck in finding a positive, serious, review of the book.



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