Monday, March 24, 2014

Who is a worse President than Nixon? Well to Sarah Palin the answer is obvious, Barack Obama. I know. surprising isn't it?

9:40 PM By No comments

Who is a worse President than Nixon? Well to Sarah Palin the answer is obvious, Barack Obama. I know. surprising isn't it?
Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue moron's Facebook page:

Honest Souls in Media? Prove It. Ask Away.

Here’s a great article that pins these yahoo reporters to the mat. It could be considered funny, if it weren't so tragic, watching these crackerjack "journalists" still squirm around with their herd mentality to avoid the obvious. Their credibility is long gone. And they waste your time, America.

As the article's author asks, is there an honest soul among them? Here's a taste:

"Can any of you news hounds explain how what happened in Watergate was worse than anything this president has done? Work with me, Media Stars…it’s a serious question. Nixon had an enemies list. Obama publicly declared his desire to punish enemies and reward friends. Nixon went after whistleblowers like Ellsworth. Obama has prosecuted more administration personnel and journalists for divulging his secrets than any president in history. Nixon tried to get the IRS to hound his enemies. Obama successfully invited the IRS to persecute his. (No, he didn't. That contention has been disproved to the satisfaction of everybody who is NOT a Right Wing conspiracy theorist.) Nixon covered up the political break-in of a hotel office. Obama covered up the facts of the slaughter of an ambassador and three other Americans to protect his campaign. (Also not even close to accurate.) What did Nixon do that Obama didn’t do better and worse?" (Not even close!)

The article hits just a tip of the iceberg. If you've had enough, tap out. Take control and change the channel. (To what? Somebody's new streaming video app perhaps? Nice try lady.)

- Sarah Palin

Palin then links up to the Right Wing rag, an online magazine that regularly attacks Democrats and liberals while claiming that everything the President does wrong is being covered up by the mainstream media.

Of course Palin likes this article because it contains this nugget:

Will you all apologize to Sarah Palin for y’all mocking her when she suggested Obama’s weakness might encourage Putin to invade Ukraine? Ya, know, since she was so right and you all were embarrassingly wrong?

You know the deal, mention Palin in a positive light and she will gladly pimp your article.

You know as a liberal I certainly have some criticisms of how President Obama has dealt with the issue of drones, domestic spying, and certain progressive policies.

However on his very worst day, President Obama is still head and shoulders above a man who was forced to leave office in disgrace, and almost single-handedly undermined the office of the President for decades to come.

I understand how desperate the Republicans are to replace Nixon with a new worst President ever, but by no measure does President Obama fit the criteria.

In fact that is a very good chance that history will view him as one of the very best.

So put that in your crack pipe and smoke it Sarah Palin.



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