Saturday, April 19, 2014

Okay who pulled Secessionist Barbie's string? Update!

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Okay who pulled Secessionist Barbie's string? Update!
Courtesy of Facebook, a place to share your family's photos, look up old friends, and rant incoherently about things you don't understand:

Thank you, Jake Tapper (Oooh, SOMEBODY has a crush.), for covering this shocking story about anti-Semitic propaganda distributed by pro-Russian militants in Ukraine demanding Jews “register” their religion and property. Our U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine confirmed the story. (Yes he did.) The rest of the media must pursue this story and demand answers from the Obama administration as to what our President’s intention now is in light of this atrocious development that harkens back to frightening times for Jews. (Yes Obama must protect the Jews, so that Palin can meet Jesus during the End Times.)

Our government’s priorities are so skewed. The Middle East is a tinderbox; Russia flagrantly invades a sovereign nation, and we just draw more invisible red lines daring bad guys not to cross; we’re fed dishonest domestic denials as we discover our own government is spying on and harassing innocent U.S. citizens; our porous national borders are ignored (Actually illegal border crossings are at their lowest in 40 years.) while clueless politicians excitedly plan welcoming parties and more rewards for illegal foreigners to simply step right on over those borders; Democrats boast about our fake and jobless economic recovery (Actually the economy is poised for its best performance since the recession of 2008. You know, the one caused by the REPUBLICAN President.), etc., etc. Yet the top priority of the President (he who is the face of the Democrat Party) and his bureaucrats seems to focus on heavy handedly lassoing Nevada cows to stick it to an American rancher. (Did you all see those pictures of President Obama roping cattle in Nevada? It was awesome! Also imaginary.) Meanwhile, the President’s minion, the most powerful man in the U.S. Senate who hails from the great state of Nevada, calls patriotic Americans “terrorists” as we try to get facts on the Bundy ranch cows and controversy in his state. (Yeah how crazy is it to call men who bring semi-automatic weapons to a stand off and then threaten federal officers with violence domestic terrorists?) Really? Prioritize much, Democrats?

There is zero, and I mean zero, evidence that President Obama has had any input into the situation down in Nevada, and it is insane to suggest that every action by the government is personally directed by the White House.

As for the situation in the Ukraine, Joe Biden is headed there later this month, the President is working with NATO to formulate a solution, and together they are increasing the severity of the sanctions against Russia.

The President has resisted calls to provide weapons to the Ukrainians because he feels that would escalate the possilbiyt of violence and provide Putin with an excuse to send in more military.

Not an unreasonable assumption.

But hey how could Palin possibly understand any of this?

After all she gets all of her information from Fox News, Twitter, and Right Wing talk radio.

However perhaps it would be best if Palin stuck to things that she knows.

For instance of President Obama ever needs information on how to increase his bust size using a bicycle pump, beat a mammal into submission and prop it on his head, or raise a family of dipshits and substance abusers, then she should be the first person he calls.

On everything else, not so much.

Update: It turns out that those Ukrainian letters may be a hoax.



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