Saturday, April 26, 2014

The candidate for Lt. Governor of South Carolina comes right out and says what most Republicans want for public education. To end it. After all it's not in the Bible.

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The candidate for Lt. Governor of South Carolina comes right out and says what most Republicans want for public education. To end it. After all it's not in the Bible.
Courtesy of Raw Story:

A Republican candidate for South Carolina lieutenant governor wants to replace public schooling with church-run schools, but he admits it would be a difficult process that could take years.

Ray Moore, a retired Army Reserves chaplain and president of Frontline Ministries, sketched out his plan for dismantling public education in the U.S. on Wednesday’s edition of The Janet Mefferd Show.

He has encouraged Christian families to withdraw their children from public schools and educate them at home or enroll them in religious schools, and he believes the tipping point would occur at about 25 percent to 35 percent of the total K-12 population.

“Then the states would then negotiate, perhaps taking out of their constitution platform, or the provision, that says the state had to provide education, and it would gradually be handed over to churches, families, and private associations,” Moore said. “That’s the way it was for the first 200 years of American history.”

You may remember this loon from an earlier post in which he suggested that Christians should remove their children from the Pharaoh's schools.

Moore is almost correct in that early American schools were organized by local parishes taught by clergy or church employees. However that meant that those in the north were significantly better educated than the citizens living in the South.

Only if they followed the correct religion of course, or had the proper heritage.

That also meant that African Americans remained uneducated, and women were discouraged from seeking higher education.

School reform came in the 1900's and that helped to create a more equitable public education for ALL Americans. Though of course poorer areas still suffer.

Clearly Moore simply wants to return to a time when the church controlled what is, and is not, taught and who is, and who is not, worthy of that education.

And that is really what is behind NCLB, standardized testing, school vouchers, and bills freeing up tax money for private schools.

These Republicans do NOT want to fix public education in America, they want to do away with it.

Usually they are smart enough not to say it out loud. But much like Cliven Bundy and racism, Ray Moore is simply saying in public what the majority of Republican politicians know to keep private.



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